chapter 8

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it was monday jiyeon need to attend class
and as usual hyunjung dropped jiyeon to her university and making sure she is safe

hyunjung also went to ms.lee and soobin and talked about what happened last night  and soobin said also experienced it once with her first love, soobin and ms.lee think that hyunjung is inlove again "it also happened to you once right with han gyul" soobin said as she was talking about hyunjung's first love "i think it happen when you are inlove" ms.lee then replied by this hyunjung left speechless she is really inlove with jiyeon.

soobin was with hyunjung who was just about to pick jiyeon up from her school to make sure what happened last will never happen again.

jiyeon felt happy as she saw the familiar black Jaguar XJ car coming towards her as soon as the car stopped infront her she wave to her friends, she was just about to open the front seat door when the window rolled down and she saw a not so familiar girl sitting in the front seat hyunjung was telling soobin to get down and seat at the back.

"no i'll just sit at back" jiyeon said as she sat at the passenger seat.

jiyeon was so curious who was this girl infront and why is she with hyunjung what was her relationship with hyunjung but before she could ask, soobin turned her head around and introduced herself.

"hello you must be jiyeon hyunjung new master, right?" soobin gave jiyeon a sweet smile which jiyeon also gave her "i am soobin i am hyunjung's friend and i was also once a gruadian but i recently became a human " they both shake their hands and talked to each other in the not so long road trip.

hyunjung was just there driving she was quiet but she keep secretly glancing at the car mirror, the girl who sitting at the backseat smiling as she was talking with soobin, after awhile hyunjung dropped soobin at her house and drive home so and and jiyeon could already rest.

3 days passed by with nothing so special happened like hyunjung dropped and pick up jiyeon at her university making sure she is safe, them having dinner outside jiyeon bringing hyunjung with her and do things hyunjung probably never experienced like watching movies, playing at the arcade, going to sauna and etc. they were actually on dates they both just don't know.

it's already friday jiyeon asked her friends if they have plans this weekend and they have but it wasn't that important jiyeon also asked sojung if they could absent on their work this weekend sojung didn't want to but since jiyeon begged her she had no choice.

jiyeon lied to hyunjung that she doesn't have work today and asked hyunjung if they could go to the grocery store to buy foods they lack stocks jiyeon reasoned.

they were already at the grocery with hyunjung holding the pushing card jiyeon picked alot of meat and a case of soju and beers.

"are you going to open a restaurant?" hyunjung seriously asked the brown hair girl who was still putting some meats on their cart after hearing what hyunjung said jiyeon smiling with her eyes almost disappear "stop smiling" hyunjung coldly said to the girl infront her, it melts hyunjung everytime she see jiyeon's eye smile.

after paying the bills she went to the car with the groceries in their hands, it was already almost dinner hyunjung asked jiyeon where she wants to eat jiyeon replied that she just want to eat at home.

hyunjung didn't ask anymore questions and start driving to their house as soon as hyunjung stepped on the house she hears alot of girls shouting and confettis all around the air and floor, balloons on the walls and soobin infront her holding a cake the other nine girls start singing a happy birthday to hyunjung.

it is her 1000th birthday she never celebrate her birthday before so jiyeon plan all this with her friends help and especially soobin's help she knows hyunjung alot at first she warned jiyeon, because she knows hyunjung hates crowd and noisy sorounding but jiyeon wanted to let hyunjung experience a birthday party with people she love but hyunjung doesn't have friends and family so jiyeon invited her friends and celebrate hyunjung's birthday with them instead without thinking the possible outcome of this surprise.

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