chapter 9

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it's already a winter morning hyunjung woke up with the jiyeon still sleeping beside her, jiyeon's head on hyunjung's arms, Hyunjung don't want to missed opportunity, appreciate jiyeon's beauty as the sunlight hit her face and because of that jiyeon slowly woke up and couldn't open her eyes due to sunlight hitting her face.

"good morning" hyunjung greeted.

"oum goodmorning!" jiyeon murmured with hyunjung who is now blocking the sunlight for her.

"what time is it?" jiyeon, oh right she remembers that she still a graduating college student.

"it's almost 7" hyunjung said as she used her power to close the curtains jiyeon's head still on her arms "stand up now, you need to get ready for your class" jiyeon's now flustered as she don't want to go to school and just lay down on bed with hyunjung.

hyunjung start giggling at how cute she was, she then lean and hugged the girl beside her "then do you want me to stop the time so you can more time sleep more" hyunjung doesn't also want jiyeon to go and just lay down with her but she also don't want jiyeon to miss her class, but she has powers so why not use it to spend more time with her lover.

jiyeon open her eyes as she happily smile at what hyunjung just said "it's that possible?"
hyunjung's smile widened as look dearly at the happy girl now "but you are awake now, i don't think i still need to do it" hyunjung said teasing jiyeon.

jiyeon pouted as she tries to let hyunjung see her disappointment, with this hyunjung start giggling again and smile widened this is literally the cutest thing she ever saw in her 1000 years of existance.

"arasseo" hyunjung said as she lay down properly and lean a soft kiss on jiyeon's lips, jiyeon is now the happiest as she pulled herself to receive hyunjung kiss, her hand place on hyunjung's bare skin, hyunjung felt warm.

"your finals are next week you'll be in trouble if you keep seducing me and stop going to school" hyunjung said as she lean her head to look at the brown hair girl.

"are you looking down on me?" jiyeon said "i am good at my studies it's just that one subject i don't like" jiyeon added as she think about her subject history.

history is so complicated she thinks and aside from that all her classmates hates that subject too.

hyunjung laugh which jiyeon confusedly questioned her, history is literally hyunjung's major she lived for a 1000 years how can she doesn't know anything about history when she literally lived with it "this won't work, i'll give you a one on one lesson" jiyeon was so happy she is suffering from this subject worried to fail this subject not able graduate.

"ASA!!!! graduation secured" jiyeon lifted her hand who was on hyunjung's waist as she celebrate.

"why when is your graduation?" hyunjung ask.

"it's probably a week after our finals, why are you planning on giving something to me?"

"no" hyunjung replied as she teases jiyeon, jiyeon pouted and hyunjung judt start giggling again, hyunjung leaned and kissed the upset girl "tell me what you want! I'll give it to you whatever it is" hyunjung said as she put her palm on jiyeon's cheeks as she brush it with her thumb while waiting for an answer.

"i want a bunch of bouquet of red roses"

"why do you like Red roses that much" hyunjung replied.

jiyeon then start shaking her head "hmm no, it's not like i like it but not that much, it is just because it reminds me of you, your dark red lips, yours elegant aura, dark black shining hair, your big eyes, and perfectly shaped nose" jiyeon said as she roam her point finger around face and stopped at hyunjung's nose.

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