chapter 2

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jiyeon already getting ready to sleep but still couldn't stop thinking about the chaos that happened to her today and probably the not well mannered girl who helped her twice since this afternoon, she got out of her bed and went to sojung's room which basically next to her room.

"yah sojung-ah i know you are still not sleep" jiyeon said as she sat on sojung's bed "ahh why?" sojung sat up and faced the brown haired girl who was sitting next to her.

"yah listen up, i told you earlier this afternoon that i was almost got snatched but a girl help me Right?" jiyeon said, seriously talking to sojung.

"ahhh about that not well mannered angel"

"i met her again when i was going to the mall she helped me again like i was almost got hit by a motorcycle she was so fast that i didn't realize her arms was already around me like as if she knew i was going to get hit, see isn't fate?"

"yah fate my ass, it's your gay ass again just sleep already and stop bothering me we have work tomorrow" sojung said as she pushed jiyeon out of her bed


2 days has passed but jiyeon still thinking about the girl who saved her.

"excuse me!!!" a costumer said "ahh yes sorry what's your order again" jiyeon replied to a costumer as she got her senses back

"two ice americano and two pieces of this strawberry cake" a costumer replied "yes anything else" jiyeon asked as she tap on the counter screen infront of her "nothing that's all" costumer pay and left with her order.

"yahh!! get your senses back" sojung said "i was just thinking" jiyeon replied

"is it about that not well mannered angel again?" sojung asked "forget it we are going to graduate within 2 months you better not mess up and date" sojung added.

"yah! what do you thing of me i am good with my studies than you"jiyeon said teasing sojung and when sojung almost fight back she immediately entertain the next costumer to avoid sojung and then laughing then sojung roll her eyes and went back to prefer the costumers orders.

it's already 9pm both sojung and jiyeon is about to leave the cafe restaurant they are working at.

"sajangnim we are going!" jiyeon said to their the owner of the cafe restaurant "ohhh ok be careful" the owner replied "yess!!!".

"yah sojung-ah go home first i will just gonna get my parcel that my orphanage sent me" jiyeon said to sojung who was about to take the bus "arasseo be carefully on your way, text or call me when you're almost home" sojung replied.

"arasseo i won't die" jiyeon jokingly replied and wave to sojung who's already inside the bus.

after getting the parcel jiyeon need to get she took the last trip bus and dropped safely into their neighborhood, while walking jiyeon was tapping her phone when she noticed a group of people doing something then and realized there was a blood, person laying down, one of the man were holding a knife, there is murder happening in there for a second she was shocked and don't know what to do then as the group of men saw her she immediately run and took her phone to call sojung.

"sojung-ah help me!!!" jiyeon said on the line scared, crying she was running for her life then suddenly someone dragged her into a corner covering her mouth and grabbed her phone and turned it off.

and as she panicked and looked up ut was hyujung the one infront her, covering her mouth and her eyes widened soon as the group of men was near them hyunjung was ready to get out and fight them as she was a 5× stronger than an average person but jiyeon pulled her and stopped her from going to the gangs, the group of men is already gone so they both release a heavy sigh.

with them looking into each other's eyes and so near hyujung broke the not so awkward silent "you!, do you really want to die why are so careless" hyunjung said to the girl infront of her, scolding her again.

jiyeon suddenly sobbing with that left hyunjung confused "i am scared" still sobbing jiyeon said

"it's okay now i am here" hyujung said trying to comfort the crying jiyeon she then removed her large pocket woolen coat and place it to jiyeon's back, after awhile due to tiredness, jiyeon fell into a sleep with her head resting on hyunjung's shoulder.

hyunjung piggyback jiyeon, all the way to jiyeon's house hyunjung had been carefully and slowly walking, trying not to wake jiyeon up and walked into a gate where sojung was standing "excuse me are you jiyeon's friend?" hyujung asked.

"wh-what? ye-yess" sojung  said stuttering.

"where's her room?" hyunjung asked.

"it-it's upstairs" sojung said as she guide hyunjung who was carrying sleeping jiyeon on her back.

"what happened and who are yo...u?" sojung asked "i am kim hyunjung and your friend just witness a murder she just fell sleep now and try not to wake her up" hyunjung said as she slowly drop jiyeon on the bed.

"jogiyeo! thank you for bringing jiyeon safely" sojung said and then hyunjung just nod and walked away.

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