chapter 5

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after hyunjung dropped jiyeon safely to sojung's house, jiyeon immediately went to check sojung if she was already home after her overtime shift but as she went to sojung's room she was not there so she went outside again and asked sojung's mother and said that she was not home yet after hearing that jiyeon went to her room and pack her things and as sojung's mother went to her room and asked her where she is going she that she already found a place to rent and stay at it's been almost a year since jiyeon lives at sojung's house and for those few months she is so thankful to sojung's family for letting her stay there and treated her like their own family.

few hours later sojung is already home and saw jiyeon packing her things so asked where she was going and jiyeon cannot lie to sojung like what she did to sojung's mother so she immediately dragged sojung to her room and closed that door.

"tell me what's wrong where are you going?" sojung ask.

"hey listen up it's quite complicated but we've been friends since middle school and i know you will understand me" jiyeon trying explain to sojung.

"just go straight to the point jiyeon-ah" sojung asked as she sat down on jiyeon's bed.

"listen up hyunjung earlier bring me to her house and said that she is my gruadian and that she is not a human and that i am her last master, for her to become a human so she wants me to live with her and protect me especially from those guys who i saw murdering" jiyeon said in whisper  affair someone will hear them.

"are you sick?" sojung said as she put her plum in jiyeon's forehead "you are not though" sojung added.

"sojung-ah you are a smart person i just want you to believe what i am saying because you are the only person i trust the most" jiyeon said begging sojung to just understand her.

"you are going crazy just because a pretty fine woman asked you to stay and live with her" sojung still think jiyeon is going crazy over a handsomely pretty woman but sojung knows jiyeon the most they been together since they were kids, she knows whether jiyeon is lying or not.

"sojung-ah can you just believe me" jiyeon said still begging sojung just to underwhat she saying.

"are serious??" sojung asked jiyeon with a serious face, jiyeon nodded and felt relief that sojung choose to understand and believe, she then continue explaining.

it's already 6 pm all jiyeon classes ended and it was time to go home and suddenly a black Sierra Denali passed by and rolled the window "are you done now?" the driver asked and yes it was indeed hyunjung.

most of the students in the campus were looking at the luxury car.

"jogiyeo jiyeon-ssi i am asking if you are already done with your class."

"yes" jiyeon said

"then get in" she get in and along with sojung on the backseat "aren't you two making me look like i am your personal driver" the two girls who was seating at the back realize it and immediately understand what was hyunjung trying to say and "ahhh then i'll sit infront" jiyeon said as she got off the car and seated infront

after they arrived at sojung's house to get jiyeon thing jiyeon then said bye to sojung's parents and siblings who she lived with for almost a year outside the gate was sojung standing next to the car "aren't you coming to check where your friend live?" hyunjung asked to sojung who was standing next to her

"i actually need to study i'll give my trust in you because jiyeon do" sojung said "here" hyunjung gave sojung a piece of paper "what the fuck is this?" sojung asked as she look at the piece of paper "it's the address incase you'll lose your trust or missed your friend with this it gave hyunjung gained more trust with sojung

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