chapter 4

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"yah sojung-ah I'll go now" jiyeon said to sojung who is going to finish her work late because of overtime "oum be carefully on your way" sojung said.

Jiyeon looked around the restaurant but she didn't saw hyunjung "tssss she said she have something to say to me" jiyeon murmured to herself as she left the cafe shop.

"are you done?" hyunjung speak making jiyeon surprise "ahh kamjagiya-ishh" jiyeon said as she was surprised by the taller girl who popped out of nowhere "are you still here? i thought you already left"

"i was waiting for you in my car, are you done now?" hyunjung said.

"yes but what are you going to tell me" jiyeon asked the taller girl.

"You probably can't faint here come with me" hyunjung said and get inside her car leaving jiyeon confused.

"ah i don't know if i am gonna get killed atleast i got killed by a fine woman" jiyeon thoughts as she get in the car.


a very big ass yard and a two story luxury house in front of her with a pool and a beautiful beach view beside it

(Kinda look like this cr.)

"where are we?" jiyeon asked hyunjung as they get off the car

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"where are we?" jiyeon asked hyunjung as they get off the car.

"my house" hyunjung replied "jogiyeo? are you a mafia boss or something?" jiyeon asked and made that made laugh slightly "enough with questions just come inside and i am not not a mafia or something so don't worry"

"yah i never been a place like this before" jiyeon said as she look around the luxury yet cozy house "sit down" hyunjung said "i am not a normal human like you and i am your gruadian and you are my last master and my mission is to protect guard you in any harm you'll face in life physically, mentally, emotionally and financially and i have powers so you don't need to worry if i fight with those guys like from last night" hyunjung explain, too straight though.

"yes" jiyeon replied with a fake smile and she thought this woman is not just hella fine and rich but also crazy "i know it's hard to believe bu-" before she continue jiyeon cut her and said "ahh noo i believe you"

"no you don't" hyunjung said "i can read your emotion too" hyunjung said.

"i found out those guys from last night saw your face and searching for you so for your safety you'll live with me here" hyunjung added.

"jogiyeo i was going to play along with your game but, what, live with you? i am so thankful for what you did to me those past few days and last night and earlier but you must be crazy" jiyeon angryly argued with the taller girl.

"told you, you don't believe me" hyunjung said tired with this everytime, she has a new master introduction is the hardest because who the fuck would believe if someone tell them they are not a human but hyunjung is used to this so without a hesitating she immediately warned jiyeon not to faint or something and immediately lifting things around them.

things floating in the air upon seeing this jiyeon fainted hyunjung immediately went to her to wake her up after she wake up and with jiyeon scared, confused and amazed infront of her and after seeing jiyeon comeback to her senses she then continue to explain.

"you are my last mission my 100th master and if i failed to protect you i need to wait for days, even years, or even decades and the worst century so you need to help with with that" after everything happened the confused jiyeon came back now to her senses and made things clearer now.

"jogiyeo? if it possible to wait for a century for your master then you must be a not in your 20s now right?, how old are you?" jiyeon curiously asked.

"999" hyunjung replied "heh???!!!?!!! 99?" jiyeon shock by hyunjung's reply "jogiyeo it's 999 years old not 99" hyunjung corrected jiyeon.

jiyeon's now kneeling infront her bowing "what are doing?" hyunjung asked jiyeon then greeted hyunjung with a well mannered and politely "you are older than my great great great great grandparents" jiyeon said still kneeling down.

"stand up" hyunjung coldly said "yes" jiyeon replied "then are you really serious about letting me stay here?" jiyeon added.

"i already told you those guys from last night recognize you and you saw it yourself earlier they were searching for you so you have no choice but to live with me because i don't have a plan to live in your friend's house"

"oh right i don't remember telling you where i work and live how did you know?" jiyeon ask "yah who's gruadian who doesn't know where their pupil lives?" hyunjung said "ahh enough with questions are you going to live with me or not" hyunjung added.

"i will if it's for my safety, i will and i am also guilty for living with sojung and her family although her family is so nice to me i still have conscience" jiyeon said "then when will i need to move" jiyeon asked.

"tomorrow" hyunjung replied "but i have class tomorrow" jiyeon said "then give me your schedule i'll pick you up" "let's go" hyunjung added as she stand up and walked towards the door

"where?" jiyeon confusedly asked "i am going to take you home" hyunjung said to a confused jiyeon who is still sitting on the couch.

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