chapter 10

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weeks passed by, jiyeon didn't know how did she managed to live without hyunjung, probably because of sojung, soobin and her other friends was there for her or maybe her hope that hyunjung will comeback to her.

"jiyeon-ahh if you need something or someone to talk to i am always here" sojung said.

their graduation is around the corner, jiyeon always wanted to be alone going she barely hangout with her friends she even don't go to work anymore but their boss understand as sojung explained that one of jiyeon's closest person died.

jiyeon spend her time going to some places where she and hyunjung went to like the arcade, the park, the place where they first met, cinema, the park where they both confessed their love, going to the restaurants where they always used to go.


after a exhausting day jiyeon went home and as soon as she entered the gate she hyunjung trying to catch her from falling into the pool, tears dropping from her eyes as she recalls her first morning in hyunjung's house.

after that she entered the house she saw hyunjung grabbing the groceries on her hands helping her carry it as soon as hyunjung turned around and smiled at her she disappeared, she started crying, tears starts dropping from her eyes she's trying herself to calmdown, looked up to the noise in the kitchen she is seeing hyunjung cooking her favorite food, hotpot while she is back hugging the tall girl, she then went to hyunjung's room she saw herself laying down with hyunjung them cuddling hyunjung giving her kisses.

she's been keep having these kind of imagination she got used to it but she still can't help herself but breakdown everytime she remembers hyunjung.

after seeing all those memories she now misses hyunjung more, she is now crying, sobbing as she sat on on the floor her hands on her face as she cover it.

"why are you doing this to me!!" she shouted at the air.

"i miss you hyunjung!" "comeback!" please!"

2 days passed by with her just staying at home, sojung and soobin always visit and check on her.

before hyunjung disappeared she asked the two for a favor asking them to take care of jiyeon it was like she knows that she is going to disappear.


"yah you two, you'll take care of jiyeon when I'm gone right?" hyunjung said.

"what the, are you going somewhere?" soobin asked confusedly.

"it's not like that" hyunjung said.

"yah you promised me so if there's someone who should be taking care of jiyeon it should be you" sojung said.

she also went to the groceries to but alot of foods especially almost all jiyeon's favorites.


after sojung and soobin left, jiyeon finish her foods she went to hyunjung room and look around arranging hyunjung clothes when it's clearly arrange already after awhile she saw a piece of paper near the table she started crying as she read it, it was a latter hyunjung left.

"hello jiyeon-ah, are you doing well? you should be, you'll probably be reading when i am already gone, actually to be honest i am not sure about everything i just feel like it's almost time for me, i am scared for the first time in my whole i wanted to live more longer that i don't want to die, i want to live and that's all thanks to you, i never felt more alive than before i met, i am always thankful that our life collide no i don't think we met by accident i know we met by fate, and i am so happy to be able to meet you even in the shortest time, i was so happy and felt warm whenever i am with you, i will always miss you and i never regret loving you, i hope your doing well if i am really gone for real and if not it would be funny or you'll kill me for writing this letter, but to be honest i would prefer that more, i feel like my days it counting, i want to spend more time with you i want to see you grow up and we'll live together for longer time, i just want to be woth you jiyeon-ah, but if ever i am really gone i hope you are not that sad because i'll be sad too, i don't want you crying you know that right, i love you jiyeon-ah i miss you so much"

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