chapter 7

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jiyeon is now getting ready to sleep when she just couldn't stop thinking about what just happened earlier.


they were already in the highest part of the ride after seeing jiyeon still couldn't calm herself down hyunjung grab jiyeon's neck and pulled her into a soft yet warm kiss.

by this scene jiyeon's cheeks are now crimson as the blushed on, feels like her heart is about to pop out off her chest "jogiyeo jiyeon-ssi???" hyunjung said.

"y-ye- yess??" stuttering jiyeon said.

"i was asking if you are ok now" after seeing jiyeon calming down hyunjung then explain what she just did "it's to calm you down gruadian's affection gives their masters calm and warmth"

it's already morning when jiyeon barely have sleep thinking about what happened last night it felt good though she thought (she didn't think hyunjung felt the same) she purposely got up earlier than anssual probably to avoid any interaction from the other party but it's too late hyunjung is already starting the car.

"are you going somewhere teppeonim?"
jiyeon asked hyunjung who is already getting ready to get inside the car "aren't you going to work? it's weekend get in" hyunjung replied.

"ahhh no teppeonim it's ok i can just take the bus and it's not like you are my personal driver or something right?" jiyeon said.

"just get in i also need to buy something in your café" hyunjung replied.


"5 pieces of melon bread and two ice americano" hyunjung placed her order as she gave jiyeon her black card after receiving the card jiyeon smile for who knows why probably thinking that hyunjung is buying her favorite drink.

"ahhh right it's take out" hyunjung added before sojung who is beside jiyeon getting her order ready.

after getting the order hyunjung left without saying goodbye "is she going on a date?" sojung asked who was standing beside jiyeon while looking at hyunjung who was getting ready to get in the car.

"ahhh i don't know" jiyeon replied with annoyance in her face.


hyunjung just arrived at ms.lee house with breads and two ice americano in her hands.

"oh you're here?" ms.lee said she she saw hyunjung getting inside her cozy and countryside style house.

"oum i am here" hyujung has been friends with ms.lee for 500 years as she couldn't hangout with soobin who is busy with her own company hyunjung often visit ms.lee when she free.

after talking for hours it's already almost 4pm which jiyeon's shift over hyunjung grab her phone to call jiyeon.

"oum jiyeon-ssi are you almost done with your work? I'll come and pick you up" hyunjung said on the phone line.

"i am already home" jiyeon replied on the other line with cold voice.

"already? why didn't you call me?" hyunjung replied.

"i don't want to bother your date" as she immediately hang up the phone, it was a lie she is still not at home she was just about to leave the café.

"sojung-ah do you want to drink" jiyeon surely missed this asking sojung to drink with her whenever she's happy or sad "not today our finals is already around the corner i need to study" sojung replied as she packs her things to get ready to leave.

"yah our finals is in 2 months what do you mean around the corner" jiyeon actually care about her studies but not as much as sojung does

"yah we are a graduating students how can you be so calm?"

"arasseo i'll just go by myself" they both leave the café as they part ways on the way after drinking jiyeon drunk walking near hyunjung's village when some group of guys blocked her "we found her boss" it was the guys who jiyeon saw murdering someone a week ago with them was bora who was smiling towards jiyeon (you probably wondering why song bora was there it was her father mayor of some city who asked to kill person jiyeon saw and bora just recently figure out that jiyeon was one of her father's target).

she then slap jiyeon who was drunk infront her "YAHHHH!!!!!!" a shout from a girl out of nowhere as she was beating the four men who was with them she then drag the girl who just slap jiyeon "do you want to die?" hyunjung said as she was holding bora's neck, she's angry that almost killed bora.

jiyeon stopped her and just asked her to just bring her home she is drunk but not that drunk and she know what was happening and she was doing "stop teppeonim" jiyeon begged "just get me put of here, please".


"sit down" hyunjung coldly said as she sat down across jiyeon in the couch.

"you said you were already at home" hyunjung said while using her powers to heal jiyeon's side lips where bora slapped her.

"i just wanted to drink some alcohol since it's been awhile so i stopped by " jiyeon said as she was looking down.

after hyunjung putting some healed jiyeon's wood and was about to leave "wait teppeonim" jiyeon grabbed the first aid kit putting some ointments on hyunjung's wounden hand "thank you for saving me again" jiyeon said while putting a bandaid on hyunjung's hand.

hyunjung hates thank yous because it reminds of her punishment for living in such a long time but for once she felt nice hearing those words.

"you know i hate people thanking me" hyunjung said as she stand up and leave, jiyeon didn't mind what hyunjung just said she was still thankful.

it's already 7pm and hyunjung's heart start aching again yes all gruadians experience this it's probably their punishment and it painful af.

jiyeon heard some noise outside and immediately went out of her room to check and as she hears the noise are coming from hyunjung's room she immediately went to the room and as soon as she opened the door she saw hyunjung laying down in the floor with broken glasses and other stuffs on the ground, she immediately went to hyunjung.

"teppeonim what happened? does it hurts?" jiyeon asked as she saw hyunjung's hands placing on her chest hyunjung couldn't speak tears dropped in her eyes and she enduring the pain in her chest while her head resting on jiyeon's arms.

jiyeon also start crying after seeing hyunjung and as she remembers last night's when hyunjung said that gruadian's affection calms their masters she think it could be mutual, sadly it was not, masters affection can't calm their gruadians not at least once hyunjung felt it once, it was hundreds years ago.

as jiyeon lean and kissed the girl who was laying in her arms surprisingly hyunjung started to calm down, hyunjung was surprised of what was just happened.

"what did you do?" hyunjung asked as her heart stopped aching as she wipe her tears.

"sorry i was just thinking that it would help you calm down" jiyeon replied as she helps hyunjung to sit up.

"no a master doesn't have an ability to heal nor calm their gruadians" hyunjung replied as she was still confused of what happened.

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