Record It?

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Welcome to the revised version! I am glad I finally got it out and I'm glad it's finally done! It took a bit as I was dog-sitting for my sister for a few days! But I won't lie, I really do like this version much better than the previous one. I plan, however, on changing the order of the chapters going forward! Meaning, the more vanilla chapters will be in the beginning and the ones that seem more intense will be in later chapters! Sort of like how I did with the first story!

But thank you all for being so patient with me about this! I've read your comments and trust me, I thank you for your sweet words! But for now I'll stop babbling! You've had enough of it in all the other chapters! So please, I hope you enjoy the new and revised version! Until we meet again! ❤️



A shiver ran down Shouta's back at the soft sound ringing out softly. As to who made it, he had not a clue, yet it didn't matter in the slightest bit to him. A hand slid in a caress along his thigh in an up and down caress with fingers digging in to rub at him. Massage the muscles when they flex absentmindedly with that instinct to pull away should the front door fly open. Anyone could come strolling through it and Lord knows he'd rather not be caught in a situation like that. Even if there was no shame about it.

If they were grown men. But with each caress of the blonde's lips against his own he couldn't help but risk it. To remain in place as he received and gave those soft kisses back. Listening to the quiet whisper of their lips moving together as he slid his hand along the blonde's shoulder. Rubbing lightly at it before he was moving his hand up to twist a few locks of hair around his fingers. A light smack rang out intermittently to break up that quiet whispering as he felt the hand on his thigh squeeze it closer to the other.

Bringing his legs in for a tight press against his stomach as he shuffled in his spot. Twisting closer to the blonde as he could without physically climbing into his lap. Not yet. Slow, warm breaths fanned over his flushed cheek with an added warmth that sent another shiver down his back. Tingles raced under his skin when he felt Hizashi squeeze his thigh. It was comforting. Warm. Nice. He let out a soft sigh as the blonde slid his hand down his thigh. Down towards his knees to squeeze softly at him providing that comfort.

Hizashi was holding him close as he twisted and flipped locks of hair that slithered through them. Tightening his right arm around his husband's shoulder as he got a sigh fanning over his cheek. It had his heart skipping happily up to his throat as he moved his lips with Hizashi's. Using that slow, easy speed they had settled upon. An adoration bleeding into the kiss that had his chest tight. His stomach dropping airily. It was an adoration, an affection and passion that could make anyone melt in their boots.

Something that could soften even the hardest person. Make them sway on their feet with the sheer amount of warmth in that kiss. It had him tightening his holds on the blonde as he caught the quiet hum in the back of his throat leaving him. It had that hand on his knees tightening slightly. The arm around his lower back squeezing him close. Was there any chance of being closer? Could he get any closer? It had his heart skipping in its light sprinting speed as he moved his lips with Hizashi's. Enjoying that lazy speed.

Loving the way they fit against his own comfortably. Sliding against him with a softness that kept him from moving a damn inch away. So warm against his own. It was dangerously addicting to kiss his husband yet he fell into the "trap" his husband so claimed to have for him. What had they come in the living room for? To watch the weather? He could recall Hizashi groaning over the storm coming in that guaranteed a foot or two of snow much to his dismay. They had then sat down together on the couch.

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