Get Off Of My Chest!

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Shouta always loved long drives in the summer. He loves in the swing on their back porch. While he certainly wasn't the biggest fan of the warmer months, he had to admit there was something unbelievably nice about the heat. The electricity in his blood when he stepped out only to drag that dry air down into his lungs. The white-blue sky of the summer months after the deep jewel blue of springs sky. The fluffy wisps of clouds that had begun thinning after the heavy storm clouds of spring faded away gradually.

The crunch of dirt under his feet rather than that of ice and salt. There was a delight in watching the trees bloom and flowers pop up even if it did give him an awful bout of allergies for a few weeks. More than anything, he truly loved how absolutely electrified his husband looked outside. How he absolutely beamed under that bright sun. It was an oddly bittersweet feeling at the beginning that quickly sank into that delight shared between them. An effortless back and forth that left him absolutely giddy with his husband.

There was a joy shared effortlessly between the both of them that came with the dry heat of summer. He could spend hours curled up on that swing together with Hizashi tucked into his side. Spend hours in the car with the windows down as he sipped at an ice coffee while his husband held onto his hand tightly. The music from the radio lost to the howling wind when he would glance over to find his husband singing along to it happily. The month they confessed, began dating, and ultimately got married.

It left him with a sense of such adoration for the loud blonde; a sense of appreciation. The small things in life all coming together to give him a man who had the patience of a saint. A man who he could support his love for summer with after their long, angst riddled winter. He wanted to feel electrified. He wanted to be in a good mood with him and he knew that with the change of weather it was inevitable. The Sunday morning, following their hand at objectification, he'd been filled with a sense of contentment.

No crushing need. No feverish want. He'd been able to admire the sight of his husband in the soft light spilling over their carpet that lit up their room gently. The sight of Hizashi highlighted in such a soft lighting as he snored deafeningly with blonde locks spread over the pillow. Hickey's forming along his throat, on his collar bone by his tattoo, and he'd been in awe. He'd been left admiring his husband in that soft morning lighting until blonde lashes lifted up with green eyes, foggy with sleep, locked onto him.

And God knows that soft smile had left him warmer than anything that morning. It was as he was aided to the bathroom with a limp to his step did he feel that contentment once more. Standing on shaking legs with his husband gently scrubbing his skin and ridding it of any dried lube, come, and sweat. The way his husband gently combed and scrubbed at his hair as he covered in soft kisses. He'd been content. Utterly, peacefully content as he spent the rest of his day off his feet to help with the subtle limp of his.

Sunday was spent off of his feet where he inevitably ended up on the back porch swing curled in his husband's lap while Eri ordered Hitoshi to push her on the swing. It was rather sweet listening to their daughter's giggles. It was aweing how far she had come in one year. That day had, of course, ended with him packing his bag to stay the three nights at the dorms. His husband, rather than complain this time round, seemed quite delighted. The blonde had gone so far as to drop hints about their anniversary playfully.

Offhanded statements when talking about wrapping things up on his side of things. And he'd been all too happy to play in the blonde's teasing game if it got his husband to glow like that. And while his husband had only meant it to tease him it did ring true for them both. After all, he had his own end of things to tie up. And as mortifying as it was to go to Nemuri to help him, he had not a choice. None. And that following Monday, Nemuri insisted they get to work on tying up loose ends on his end of things.

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