A Featherlight Touch

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"So let me get this right. You want me to tickle you with this feather?"


"And then you want me to, just, tickle you like I always do?"

"Mhmm! You got it right, baby! That's exactly what I want you to do!"

Dark eyes flickered over his face with that incredulous scrutiny that Hizashi recognized from the afternoon he'd asked to try watersports. An incredulous look that tried to see if he was joking with Shouta somehow yet he remained steadfast in his request. Steadfast in his resolve to try this. It was no secret that he was overly ticklish. It was one of the things his husband had always seemed to delight in tormenting him with during their later days of dating when the black-haired man became comfortable.

When he would be yanked into his husband's lap with hands dancing along his sides with that wicked smirk curled over full lips. The delight that sparkled in dark eyes as he twisted and shrieked in his lap with laughter until tears were dripping down his cheeks from the intensity. When he was pinned down by his husband with hands targeting his throat and sides with that wicked sparkle as he squirmed and kicked uselessly at him. He wasn't sure who adored the delight in their tickling more; himself or Shouta.

He loved it when he was tugged into his lap for once where his ticklish points were teased lightly until he was a squirming, giggling mess in his husband's grasp. When he was shrieking when he was pinned down to the bed with hands attacking his sides and throat mercilessly. When he was howling with laugher as tears gathered in his eyes while Shouta cackled like a damn mad man above him as he bucked and twisted. Trying to throw him off so he could breathe without fingers tormenting his sensitive spots.

To get a breath that wouldn't fly out on another burst of laughter. It was amazing how many times those "tickle fights" as his husband called them led to a tender moment. Ended in lips pressing to his in breathless kisses broken up by snickers and giggles from the both of them. On the rare mornings when he wasn't up before his husband it wasn't uncommon to have fingers targeting the sole of his foot to tickle him awake. They were moments he absolutely adored finding himself in with his husband.

When he'd come into the living room with Eri shrieking and giggling in his lap as he nuzzled his cheek to hers. When she was trying to target his husband's throat for tickles only to fall when she was swung up into his arms with that wide, Totoro-esque smirk curled over his husband's lips. Tickling was something his husband seemed to love to indulge in with him and Eri when he was in that playful mood. God knows he loved the sound of his husband's laughter when he turned that ruthless tickling on his husband.

When he had the black-haired man sprawled out beneath him as he attacked his back and sides, his throat and armpits until he was roaring with laughter. Shouta's laugh was undoubtedly a contagious, joyful sound he couldn't get enough of. Deep and booming with snorts peppered through and wild cackles that had it crackling was his laugh. Contagious, adorable, and he loved the sound of it more than anything. It was the type of belly laugh that could easily get others to join in on when it was heard.

God knows it was hard for him not to break down into laughter when Shouta was roaring with it as he tickled those sensitive areas until tears formed on black lashes. Glistening in dark eyes as his face flushed from the intensity of his laughter with hands and feet pushing at him. However, the last time he'd attempted to tickle his husband silly he'd been kicked off of the bed and ended up with a bruise on his sternum for the rest of the week that ached when he bent over. It was the least of his worries, however.

But tickling always seemed to be his husband's way of getting some type of petty revenge on him. In getting those breathless kisses that always lead to wandering hands. To clothes being removed as the adrenaline pumping got them both far more worked up than either would admit out loud. Tickle fights ending in his husband trapped in his lap as he bounced himself giddily. When he was already so flushed from the struggle it was hard to determine if the blush on his face was from that or the arousal.

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