left behind (part 1)

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Hi, this also gonna be a story with more than one part.
This is completly based on my real life experiences that I've gone and I'm still going through.
I hope some of you will find this reletable, tell me if so.

This all happened to me expect the part in which a new student arrives and actually feels bad for me😅.


*George's pov:*

I've always been a person very closed to myself.

When I was in elementary school it wasn't like this, back then I was just shy and I was surrounded by many friends.
I had befriended my whole class of almost twenty kids, which sounds crazy to me now.

I was really close to them especially to a certaine group of boys, we would always play together, we would always have something to be talking about.
But then with the end of primary school we kinda of fell apart, more precisly I'm the one that left, not becuase I wanted to, but because I had to switch school, and since the phones we had we only used them for videogames we didn't even remain in touch in that way.

It made me a little sad at the end of the year, you know the thought of probably not seeing them ever again was hard to deal with, but I got through it, and that's what mattered.

Soon middle school started, at first it was hard due to my social anxiety that started to develope, though there I met some old friends from kinder garten, not gonna lie seeing them after more than 5 years made me happy, but I'm afriad they didn't think that the same way since they barely paid any attention to me, and honestly from the way they looked at me it made me think that they found my presence quite unpleasant.

Likely I was soon able to make some new friends, or so I thought.
They seemed to be nice people to be with, they were quite funny if you ask me.
I started to get quite along with them in the second year of middle school, though with the passing of time I noticed that there was something odd about them, but didn't really pay too much attention to it.

It started to really hit with the beggining of the summer, they never texted me to ask to hang out or anything like that.
If you had to read the chats that I had with them you would only find messages from them asking about homework, stuff like that.

In the last year, things seemed to get better, I thought that they were going to stay by my side, but I was wrong again.

At the end of middle school and the beggining of another summer I would cry often at night, thinking how much of a fool I was for believing they saw me as a friend like I did with them.
Because of that there had been a period of my life full of sadness, thinking that it was my fault they left, though didn't last that long as I slowly started to forget about them.

It was august, more or less a month before the beggining of high school, I was happy to start it becuase it was in the old school, I thought I was gonna meet my old friends from primary school again, I was really excited.

And so highschool started.

I was so happy to see some of closest childhood friends and they seemed to be happy too, that's what they wanted me to believe I guess...

At first they were really friendly, they also seemed to be wanting to reastablish our old friendship.
Right from the first day they invited me to go eat out after school.
We went to mcdonalds, I thought it was gonna go back to how it was in the good old days, I was wrong though....

As the first weeks passed they oftenly were with other classmates, while I was always left behind since it had become a lot harder for me to socialize because of my social anxiety.
They slowly started to build some kind of distance between me and them.

And so I was left with only a new friend I had made there, he seemed like a nice person, he also suffered from social anxiety though his was a lot stronger than mine.
I guess you could say we kinda of got along, and I started to feel a bit better since the others kinda of left me.

But the situation got worse again as my old friends ,who were also my classmates (in case you didn't intuited it), started to talk sh!t behind my back but not in secret they did when I was there and the other classmates were there too, especially during lessons in class, so that even my classmates would make fun of me.
I cannot exsplain how betrayed I felt then.
They would comment negativly on everything I did, causing my anxiety to be triggered, you don't wanna know how painful it was.

And so I was left with only one friend, but the situation decided to get even worse...
At first the relationship (with relationship I mean friendship) between us was alright, until the end of the first year of highschool, I noticed that he started to become more distant from me, we started to talk less and it hurt, 'cause I thought I was the one causing this.

Another summer started, I was always the one who had to start a conversation through texts, and I was always the one who had to ask him to hang out.
And so one day I decided to stop texting him, something of unexpected happened, they didn't try to contact me at all, it's like they didn't even care, even though how much I've helped them throughout the whole year.
This really broke me honestly, I really thought he was a real friend but he was just like them, a faker who only saw me as a tool to use when needed.

Going through high school with no friends was something of unbelievably tough, no one to support you, no one to talk about your problems, let tell ya that it wasn't easy.
I started to think I was the problem, maybe people didn't like me because I was too serious, but I couldn't help it, I just prefered deep convesations over stupid small talks, don't get me wrong I liked having fun convesations but to a certain point, and I wasn't even used to be treated like an actual friend, so I didn't exacly know how to substain such kind of stuff.

Though with the arrival of the last year of highschool, we had a new classmate, he was really tall, with blonde hair and green eyes.
His body is a bit bulky which makes him look even bigger.
Even though that he was a very gentle person, he knew when to be aggressive and when to be nice.

I guess you could say he caught my eye right away.


*still George's pov:*(sorry if it's a bit long😫)

It was a wednesday morning I had just arrived to school, there was pratically almost no one as the school had just opened.

*20 minutes later:*

The classroom started to get more and more crowded 'how annoying, I can't wait to go home already', I said to myself.

I didn't exacly hate school that much but having to see those motherfruscker's faces already from 8 in the morning ruined the entire school day.

After 10 minutes the math teacher arrived and before he could start his lesson someone appeared at the door, there was a tall blonde guy around my age (I'm gonna remake the entire description from earlier, sorry😅).

'Oh, you must be new, why don't you go sit next to Carlos', Carlos raised his hand, who was in the seat right behind me.
While the blonde passed past me he gave me a weird look (not in a negative way), I didn't really pay too much attention to it.

If I have to be honest he was pretty good-looking in my opinion, and looked like a nice person to talk to.
I wanted to try befriending him, but after my past experiences I decided not to, I didn't want to end up like all the other times.

*Time skip:*

As the day went onthose frusckers (sorry but I really hate them) kept on making comments about litteraly anything I did.
It's unbelievable how tiring it can be, having to listen to those comments all day, and also endure all the opportunities they took advantage of to make fun of me infront of other people.
This had always bothered me but with the presence of the new student it was even worse, 'what kind of messed up idea is this guy gonna get of me...' I thought to myself.

To be continued.

I will upload the next part as soon as I can.👍

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