size difference (part 2)

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This is the second part. Honestly I think y'all will like a lot, I tried my best to improve the way of writting and tried to make it as cute as possible.

Hope you will enjoy it.

*George's pov:*

I was waiting for Sapnap to come back, since it had already been 10 minutes, and so I decided to text him.


Did you get what you need??
It's already been 10 minutes!


There's quite a long line, so you'll have to wait for me for a little longer


I groaned out of annoyance 'couldn't this get any more annoying', I thought to myself.

Since I had nothing to do I texted Dream, and asked him how long is it going take before he'll get to the airport, though he did not answer.

*Dream's pov:*

After I received the text from Sapnap saying they had landed, I immediatly got to my car and started driving to the airport.
Luckily it's not too far away so in like 15 minutes I got there.

While I was walking in I got a text from George 'someone is impatient, well I guess that makes sense it was quite a long flight' Dream thought smilling to himself (this is a little cringe😭).
I didn't answer, I thought it would have been more fun to surprise him, especially because he doesn't even how I look, 'he's gonna be so confused' the blonde thought.

As I walk through the crowd of people I notice a small brunet stading next to two luggages, he looked around for a second, thanks to that I saw his face and recnognized him.

I started walking towards him, acting like some random person so he wouldn't be sospicious of me.
I then snuck (hope that's how you write it😭) behind him and snaked my arms around him, I couldn't but notice how small he is, it almost feels like he's even smaller than Sapnap described him, which I found extremely adorable.

*George's pov:*

I felt two large arms wrap around me, which startled me, the grip was really tight so I couldn't turn around.
Soonly as I started to struggle the arms around me loosened, and I turned to look at the person, I was met with a tall blonde with yellowish eyes, I took in all his features before realising who he was.
'It's Dream!!!' I thought to myself and hugged his torso, buring my face in his chest "Dream I can't believe I can finally see you" I said with tears in my eyes, "me too, also you're adorably small" the taller said with a grin, this made me blush "you're such an idiot" I said flustered.
We remained in that position for a while.

Soon Sapnap arrived "yo what are you two lovebirds doing!" he yelled jokenly, "Sapnap!" me and Dream yelled together.

We decided it was time to get home, I was gonna carry my bags but Dream insisted of doing that instead.

*Time skip:*(at dteam home)

I'm so glad I could finally rest, the flight was exausting, "where's my bedroom?" I asked Dream, I think this question made him a little nervous by the changing of expression on his face, "well about that... you see, your room stil needs to be finished, so you'll have to sleep in Sapnap's bedroom or in mine..".
"Oh...then I think I'll sleep in your bedroom Dream" I said a little embarassed, " ooooh" Sapnap said, I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

*Time skip:*

I was putting my stuff in Dream's bedroom when I heard Sapnap yell "guys come in the living room!", confused wemt down the stairs.

When Dream got there too, he started talking "I'm gonna go visit Karl for a couple of weeks", "alright, when are you leaving" Dream asked quite surprised, "in like two hours" he said, and my eyes widened, "two hours, why did you tells us that only now!?!?", I said "I know, I know but I forgot" I sighed.

We heard a honk from outside the house, "well my Uber is here, bye! See you soon!", Sapnap said and left.
"Welp I guess now it's just the two of us" I said, " I guess so, what should we do?", "...", "Dream? You there?"...

*Dream's pov:*

While Sapnap was saying his goodbyes, for some reason, I couldn't stop staring at George. He was just perfect, from head to toe; his face was angelic, he's beauty didn't even seem human.
I then started to observe the rest of his figure, since we were right next to eachother I couldn't help but notice how small he looked, his head reached my chest (bro is super small).
I wanted to hug him so bad, I wanted to wrap my arms around his fragile body so bad, and inhale his scent.

My thoughts were unterrupted by George calling my name, "Dream!!", "..Yes?" which sounded more like question, "uhhh, I said we could watch a movie" the small brunet repeated himself, "oh yeah sure, I'll choose the movie" I said with a grin on my face.

I chose an horror movie, I knew how he hated them 'cause he was too paranoid to watch them, but I wanted to see his reaction to be honest.
When George noticed that he didn't really say anything, he probably didn't want to admit he was scared, so I didn't say anything either.
At half way through the movie I felt something wrap around my left arm, I turned around and saw George lying next to me with his arms around my arm, they looked so fragile, like if I touched them hard too they would break, 'he's so cute' I said to myself.

As the movie went on he started to get closer to me, don't get me wrong I liked the feeling of having him close to me, but maybe it was better to watch another movie "hey, do you want to change the movie?", I asked, he looked up at me "no, I wanna go sleep", "alright, let's go", I picked him up bridal style and started carrying him to my bedroom, which was a lot easier than thought it was gonna be, he didn't struggle due to his sleepyness and he was pretty light for me.

I placed him on the bed, specicaly on one of the two sides of the bed, and I layed on the other.
I wanted to carefully squeeze his small body against mine so bad (🤨), but I was too afraid it would make George unconfortable or something, so I just lied there, slowly starting to drift to sleep.

*George's pov:*

After Dream turned off the tv, I felt his large arms lift me from the couch, I decided not to protest becuase I was too sleepy and honestly I kinda of enjoyed it.
He then placed me on the right side of the bed, and he layed on the other side.

I couldn't sleep, my crush was lying in the same bed as the one I'm lying, 'I'm far too nervous for this' I thought to myself.
I turned around so my back was facing Dream.

All of a sudden I felt strong arms make their way around my torso, I then felt Dream slowly move closer and closer, to the point that he was pratically spooning me, I felt my face heat up like crazy "e-ehm, Dream?" no answer, "Dream" I said again but I still received no answer , 'I guess he fell asleep' I thought.
His body was pratically engulping me, it made me feel so small, but also very safe and warm.

I was still very nervous but hearing Dream's heart beat made slowly drift to sleep.

This actually came out pretty well. (🤯)

For now I'll leave it with two parts, but if you want me to do another part about it write it in the comments.

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