Chapter 4

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Minho had invited his Jisung at home during the weekend.

He missed him a lot when they weren't together, and Jisung could agree on that point. So it was usual for the two of them to meet at the other's home, but this time was a tiny bit different.

Minho had invited Jisung to his house, alone.

His father had to leave for the weekend, he had a work trip and was anxious to leave his son alone at home. He didn't like it, even though he didn't have much of a choice. But Minho reassured him, and told him that he had nothing to be scared of, and that he might invite Jisung to sleep at his house. Which is exactly what he did.

When Jisung arrived, he jumped in Minho's arms, hugging his boyfriend tightly as he kissed him softly on the cheek.

Minho was taken aback slightly, as Jisung wasn't usually this touchy, but Minho wouldn't complain. If everything, it only made him even more eager to do the first move. As they detached, he glanced obviously at Jisung's lips, which looked appealing, a bit too much.

He walked to his living room, as Jisung wanted to greet the cats, which helped Minho's passionate love for him.

"AAW SOONIE" Jisung yelled as he slowly approached the cat

"It's Doongie" Minho corrected, narrowing his eyes at him

"Oh.. Sorry" Jisung said as he chuckled "I still need time to get their names correctly" He responded, shamed.

"Mmh" Minho played around "You're lucky you're cute" Minho said, a bit menacingly, as a subtle blush suddenly coated Jisung's cheeks.

That didn't stop Jisung from petting the cats for a long moment, Minho sitting beside him as they talked about everything and whatnot. Minho loved that kind of moment, it was domestic and genuine, the two of them appreciating the simple things as they didn't watch how fast the time passed.

After some time, they sat on the couch and turned the TV on. The two of them have been dreading to watch Chainsaw man, but the two of them promised to see it together, so they had to wait. Now was the moment, and nothing could stop them from binge watching the last episodes. And that is exactly what they did. Minho sat beside Jisung, slowly approaching him, until they were cuddling on the couch, laughing and talking about the anime as they watched it thoroughly.

"That guy is only motivated by his dick" Jisung joked

"For real" Minho agreed, as his hand started caressing Jisung's hair softly "And that girl, she's so scary" He added

"Scary? No! She's so nice, she saved him basically" Jisung defended

"I think she's bad news" He responded

They stopped debating as the next episode started, and they started singing the opening loudly, both of them too deep into their own little nerd world.

When they finished the season, they got bored quickly, so as the two nerds they are, they started playing a few video games.

Minho turned his switch on, and they started playing Super Smash Bros.

"How the fuck can I not touch you" Jisung whined, as he tried his best to beat Minho at the game

"I'm too good" Minho said in a cocky tone, which made Jisung give him a slight slap on his shoulder "Hey! You're cheating" He nagged, but Jisung couldn't care less.

In a swift move, Jisung sat on his lap, making it impossible for Minho to see the screen, and so on, he lost.

Minho got flustered at the move, so he didn't say anything. He threw his controller on the side and wrapped his arm around Jisung's waist, who blushed right away.

"You're sly" Minho joked as he put his forehead on Jisung's back.

Jisung could feel his breath on him, as he felt warm, comforted by the gesture. They were back hugging, and Jisung was satisfacted.

They didn't move, until Jisung's belly growled, signaling that he was hungry.

Minho chuckled at that, as he softly pushed Jisung out of his lap.

"Let's cook something for you" Minho said as he stood up, guiding his lover to his kitchen.

If Jisung wasn't already head over heels for Minho, he would have fallen right instantly as he tasted the delicious food he made for him.

He helped him all over the process of cooking, helping him cut the vegetables and preparing the rest, but he couldn't deny that Minho was an amazing cook.

Jisung destroyed his plate, eating everything that would have been left, as Minho watched him fondly appreciating his work. They didn't talk as they ate, they were way too concentrated on their tasks.

And because Jisung is polite, he decided to wash the dishes, as Minho helped him dry them.

They worked in pairs, for everything, and it worked too well.

The day was ending, and the two boys were already tired enough to go to sleep. But, Jisung was still a bit embarrassed at the idea of sharing the same bed. They arrived in Minho's room, and the older immediately put his pajama on, not even worrying about Jisung watching, which made the boy even more flustered. He turned, as he looked at the frozen Jisung.

"Oh, I didn't even realize, I'm sorry" Minho said, as he got suddenly guilty "Maybe you would prefer sleeping in another room? You can sleep in my dad's bed if you want" He said, trying to make Jisung as comfortable as possible.

"No, no I don't mind sleeping beside you" Jisung reassured as he smiled at his boyfriend, he loved how careful Minho was with him "I'm just a bit ... embarrassed? But it's okay" He explained, as Minho smiled at him.

Minho walked to him and delicately pecked his forehead. He took his hand and guided him to the bathroom.

"You can change in there, join me afterwards" He said, and left him be.

A few minutes later, the two boys were buried in Minho's bed, cuddling cutely.

Minho's arms were wrapped around Jisung's waist, as Jisung's head was put on Minho's chest. They were discussing lightly, until Jisung felt Minho's hands on his jaw, as they slowly raised his head to him.

They stood there, face to face, their eyes fixated on each other.

"Jisungie..." Minho whispered, as his eyes slowly fell on the latter's lips.

"Mmh?" Jisung muttered, knowing too well where this was going.

"Can- ... Can I kiss you?" He asked, as his cheeks flushed red

"Y-Yeah" Jisung responded, as he watched Minho lean in.

Just like that, their lips slotted together, and they could finally feel the tenderness of a shared kiss between two lovers. And it was exactly as they were expecting, sweet and soft.

They separated, to look at each other, endearingly appreciating the calm surrounding the room from the magnificent moment they just lived. They had their first kiss in the most romantic way they could. They were more than happy.

So, they kissed again. And again. And again, for a long time at night.

Minho's hands were dreading between Jisung's strands of hair, as Jisung's hands were locked on the older's neck.

They did only that, just loving each other and kissing each other, but they were happy, and that was enough for them.

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