Chapter 17

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The second their lips joined, a wave of emotion crashed in Minho. He felt his whole world turn upside down as Jisung lips molded with his.

They have kissed so much in the past, but that feeling was so foreign.

His hands immediately latched to Jisung's waist, that waist he liked so much, as he pulled him to his bed.

He sat on it, as he brought Jisung to his lap, their lips never leaving each other. Minho's hands started tracing shapes on Jisung's back, as he slightly raised his shirt. Jisung smirked on the kiss, as he detached their lips for the simple purpose of taking his shirt off.

Again, Minho's gaze was fixed on Jisung's upper body. He looked at it, eyes wide, as he slowly brought his lips to the boy's collar bones, delicately pecking the skin.

But because Jisung is impatient, and because the kisses started feeling a bit too intimate, he pushed Minho to lay on the bed, as he leaned it, kissing him again.

Minho liked this version of Jisung. It was foreign, but fun. A bit savage, but fun. They were having sex, just sex, after all.

Jisung didn't have to do anything as Minho grabbed the boy by the waist, and manhandled him to lay down on the bed, so he could hover over him. When he was finally on top, he took his shirt off, throwing it somewhere in the room, as he fiddled with Jisung's trousers not too long after.

They were rushing.

Jisung didn't want their kiss to be sweet, he wanted it to be messy, quick, lustful. Each time Minho would bring his lips to his neck, or his chest, or when Jisung would feel the little butterflies spreading around in his belly, he would act for the older to rush it.

To fuck him, to wreck him and then put him back into pieces.

Minho wasn't cooperating with Jisung's idea. The moment he was in front of a naked Jisung, he took his time to appreciate it as much as he could. His hands softly caressing the boy's thighs, as if he had never touched such soft skin.

Delicately, he spread his legs, his hold tight on the boy's thighs.

He mumbled a curse, before diving in, pecking the boy's manhood. Jisung's breath cut right away at the feeling of Minho's warm breath, as well as he felt his throat tightening.

He sat up, holding Minho's head and bringing it to his face.

"Don't play around" He whispered, eyes fixated on Minho's "Fuck me already, Go harsh on me" He said, and Minho didn't need anything else to obey this man.

He jumped out of the bed, searching for his bag and taking out his things, before coming back in the exact same position.

Jisung looked at Minho as he undressed himself, before grabbing the bottle of lube and putting a few on his fingers. He watched as his hands rubbed between each other to warm up the substance, his veins popping out from his hands.

Minho leant in, his face approaching him as he slightly bit the boy's ears.

"Can I?" He whispered, making Jisung gulp. He nodded eagerly, as Minho smirked at the pretty sight.

His breath hitched as he felt the fingers entering him so suddenly.

Minho went back and forth, opening him up well, as he almost brought him on edge already. Well, he knew Jisung's body pretty well.

He stopped, as he grabbed the condom laying beside him.

But before Minho had the time to correctly put his condom on, Jisung sat up, changing positions and getting on all fours. It suddenly got exciting for the two of them... But also a lot less intimate.

Minho smacked the boy's ass, making the sound resonate into the whole room as he watched the skin getting redder, a satisfied smile on his face.

Jisung was getting impatient, every little seconds he was waiting were already too much. He was on edge. He whined after the smack, signaling Minho that he could go on, and again, Minho was obedient when it came to Jisung.

He entered the boy, slamming his hard on into the boy's ass with force, showing him no mercy. Jisung let out a loud moan as Minho let out a deep grunt, both over aroused from the situation. The boy had asked for harshness, so he was going to give it to him.

He grabbed his hips tightly, and slammed back in, back and forth, as he heard Jisung's moans getting higher and higher, fueling him to put even more power in each one of his thrusts.

He pounded into him as the younger almost cried, his limit way too close.

Jisung's upper body had no more strength, as his face planted to the mattress, his back arching way more as Minho's mind went hazy.

"So fucking hot" Minho muttered, as one of his hands detached from his hips to carress his back, raising his hand until he grabbed the boy's nape, pinning him even more into the mattress, as he sped up, his thrusts harsh on the boy.

After a moment, his thrusts started to get sloppy. His other hand went to Jisung's hard on, jerking him off vigorously as Jisung moaned loudly, muffled by the mattress, as he came undone, followed by Minho.

They fell beside each other as they tried to get their breath back, the two of them completely exhausted, panting as if they just ran a whole marathon.

Minho chuckled to himself as he realized what had just happened.

Jisung stood up, fanning himself as he tried to cool down his body as much as he could, and walked to the room.

Minho sat up on his bed, his eyes following Jisung around.

Jisung silently and slowly grabbed his underwear, putting back on.

"Hey, Ji" Minho said, as his eyes couldn't leave Jisung's figure as he was putting his clothes back on.

"Mmh?" Jisung asked, as he turned to a still naked Minho, his sly eyes piercing through his soul.

"Kiss me again" Minho asked in a whisper.

Jisung felt the tingling sensation in his belly at the request. He chuckled softly, Minho hadn't changed one bit.

"Well" Jisung started as he walked to Minho, leaning his body to him a bit "Why not?" He said maliciously as his hand joined Minho's jaw, and raised it a bit to him, as he leaned in, delicately pecking his lips.

He hummed in satisfaction and separated their lips, as he kept their proximity to add a few words

"They taste so sweet, for a cheater" He said with a smirk as he backed out from him, putting the last pieces of clothes that were remaining.

Minho dryly chuckled to himself, as he wondered what the hell Jisung was doing to him.

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