Chapter 13

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Jisung had to finish high school.

He had to go to school every day, when he had lost everything.

His had a long discussion with his parents, as they immediately noticed how emotionnally destroyed he was when they got back.

"So... that's the whole story. He cheated, and now I'm single and broken" Jisung resumed in between cries, as he looked at his parents that had tears in their eyes.

"That asshole..." His mom said, as he clenched her fist "He was such a great kid, what happened?"

"Well... he's a kid, baby. He'll regret it as time passes" His dad said, trying to calm his wife down.

"He said he already does" Jisung responded

"Of course that fucker regrets. Jisung, you're the most awesome human that the planet has, that idiot ruined the best opportunity he could have" His mom said, angry.

"He did, definitely did" His dad agreed

"Promise me that you won't let him come back, honey. You do not deserve such disrespect" His mom asked

"And I hope he won't, because I can't stop her from beating the shit out of him" His dad joked, trying to put a smile on his son's face. Jisung chuckled softly.

"I promise mom, don't worry. He didn't try neither" Jisung responded, smiling reassuringly at him.

The first thing he did when he finally got brave enough to get out of his bed, was stopping dance classes. Dance was something he liked, but that was it. Without Minho, and with no reason to make Minho proud, it was useless, it had no sense.

His Saturday's afternoon took a weird turn as well. Firstly, he felt demotivated to work on songs without Minho. It felt weird to know that no one will listen to his tracks, nor compliment his lyrics. He also put all of the music that they created in a special file, to not find it, as he called it "to throw to the bin". He didn't have the gut to suppress them now, he needed more time.

He never listened to any of them. That would make his heart ache too much.

Eventually, he started writing again, but the way he wrote changed. He was angrier, sadder, and you could feel it in every word used. His songs now talked about heartbreak, about depression, he described vividly how painful love is, and how he wanted none of it.

Jisung was ruined. Every day, everytime he woke up, he wanted to be able to not feel anymore. He could only feel the tears rolling down his cheek, the way his throat tighten as he try to suppress his cries, the way his soul felt empty.

He slept less, not able to dream in a life where hope disappeared. He was exhausted, spending his days with the least energy possible.

He had no want, no motivation. He was letting his life crumble to a point where his own parents started get scared. They tried their best to shower him with love, even if it wasn't the love Jisung wanted.

He also hated school more than ever. People now knew him, he was the boy that was cheated on by his boyfriend, and he had to bear with the glances. Some gave him pity, others mocked him. That was tiring.

He felt so alone. Minho had always been his only friend, the only person he would hang out with, he had no one.

That was until Ryujin decided to accompany him. She started joining him randomly at school, and Jisung felt a little less alone.

She had succeeded in making Jisung less scared to be at school, she even succeeded in making him smile as she cracked jokes every time she could.

She also created a Minho hate club, which helped Jisung in his angry state of grief. They would insult him with different kinds of names, just the two of them, and Jisung would laugh it out.

"How can someone be so stupid?" Jisung stated as they were sitting in the garden of the school, talking lightly

"Well, he must have been rocked too close from the wall as a baby" Ryujin joked, as Jisung exploded in laughter.

"Don't you want a revenge?" Ryujin asked, smiling maliciously at him

"No need" Jisung responded with a sweet smile "That's his loss. It doesn't concern me anymore" He responded, as Ryujin clapped for his mature mind.

He completely ignored Minho.

At first, it was hard to see the latter at school, they had to pass through each other in the corridors and Jisung had to act like they didn't know each other when they had lived so much together.

Then, Jisung couldn't care less.

He even felt powerful when he caught Minho's desperate glance from the other side of the cafeteria, as he narrowed his eyes at him.

Minho never tried to talk to him, he had respected Jisung's decision and he was grateful for it.

But even if Jisung wanted to forget Minho's existence, he couldn't help but feel bad for the latter.

Minho would always be alone at school. He had distanced himself from everyone, and that hurt Jisung a bit. He knew there wasn't a lot of people that would care for him the way he did, he knew Minho was hurting.

But he was strong enough to not care for him. He never looked at him with importance, he never lowered his head as he passed by him, he never even exchanged a word with him.

When World of Dance arrived, Jisung gave everything in his power to not watch it, to not root for him. And he succeeded. He didn't watch Minho dance, and he was proud of himself.

After some time, he dedicated his time to school. He started studying a lot, sometimes even with Ryujin, and his grades rose a lot. Studying was a great distraction, and it was more sane than crying his heart out on lyrics sheets.

He never had bad grades, but now he was excellent.

Jisung just wanted a thing: finish with highschool and enter university.

He had been accepted in a nice University, and had hopped on a music production career. He was about to leave his dream to the fullest, as well as encounter people that think the same way as he does.

He couldn't wait for his life to change.

Annnd, that's the end of the first part :)

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