Chapter 23

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Minho tiredly left the studio. Today's session had been exhausting for him as he had been giving a lot more into each session lately.

His whole body was aching, he just wanted to go back to his house and have a good night's sleep. He wanted to wake up the next day with a feeling of accomplishment, and it seemed like only dancing could bring that feeling to him.

He walked home, thinking that it would do well to his pained muscles, until he saw an oddly similar silhouette at the other side of the street. He squinted his eyes, trying to make sure he saw well.

He saw well. That was Jisung, waiting in front of a market, a big bag of groceries in his hand.

He wondered what he was doing, how he was, if the boy needed help. He smiled to himself.

He walked to him.

"Oh hey Jisung!" He greeted, a soft smile on his lips as Jisung turned to him.

Oh, how the simple sight of that boy could bring immense joy to Minho.

"Oh- hum- Minh-" Jisung stuttered, uneasy, before getting cut off

"Isn't it Lee Minho?" An authoritarian voice stopped the two in their interaction as Minho turned his head, his eyes widening slightly at the sight.

"Oh... Sorry, I didn't see you Miss Han" He said awkwardly, as he bowed as a greeting.

He hadn't see her in so long. Last time, Jisung and him were still dating, even if they were slowly falling down, Minho would still come to their house and always greeted her, always helped her around the house when he could. He wondered if she remembers him well.

She stood there, arms crossed, looking down on him with the most disgusted look she could have ever worn, and Minho felt his blood freeze at the glare.

"Uh, mom, let's go-" Jisung tried, as he realized how heavy the atmosphere suddenly turned, knowing too well what his mother thinks of his ex-boyfriend.

"I didn't know that boy was back into your life, Jisung" She said, voice still rough, as her eyes were fixated on Minho, clearly glaring daggers.

Minho gulped. He just realized how much he must have disappointed her in the past. How much she must be mad at him for breaking his son's heart. He understood well as he lowered his head in shame.

"Don't approach my son" She commanded, mad "You've done enough damage already" She added, before watching him judgingly from head to toe, full of hatred.

He nodded, before smiling weakly at Jisung and leaving, almost running. He wanted to escape that situation at all costs. It hurts so much.

He went back home, feeling completely numb. He walked without even realizing, his feet bringing home, searching for warmth and safety.

He couldn't bring himself to realize how much a single stupid thing he had done when he was young could have done so much damage.

Jisung's mother angered eyes and harsh words replayed in his mind. He felt it in a different level of pain. He remembers Ji's mom being so sweet to him. He remembered when she would cook for him, as well as Jisung, and kiss his forehead when she was proud of him, just like his own mother could have done. He remembered seeing a mother in her, someone that cared deeply for him, who took care of him. But, it didn't last, right? Minho was too much of an idiot, and he had to ruin the only good things he had, right ?

Seeing so much hatred in her eyes brought an immense insecure feeling through his body. He realized that is how people are seeing when they look at him. Does his father also look at him like that? He never realized it.

It wasn't just Jisung. It wasn't just people at school who looked at him with pure disgust.

Everyone who would see who he really is, would think it. Would look at him with hatred.

He gulped painfully, as he went to the shower, and sat there for a moment, droplets of water falling on his body. He was cold, lonely, but at least he could cry without Chan hearing any of it.

"You didn't have to be so harsh on the boy" Jisung said with a sigh, as he accompanied his mother to her house, helping her with the groceries.

"You're lucky I didn't slap him" She said, glaring at her son

"Mom, it's in the past already" He said with a whine, tired of her petty behavior.

"In the past huh?" She said, as she put her bag on the table, crossing her arms in front of Jisung "Do you know how hard it is for a mom to wake up everyday with the guilt of seeing his son breaking in front of her without being able to do anything? Do you know how sad it made me to see you cry so much?" She explained angrily, getting emotional.

Jisung didn't answer, reviving those difficult moments in his mind.

He hugged her tightly. His mom was too precious.

5 years ago

Jisung could have let himself die in his bed if it wasn't for his mother.

She would go to his room, help him up, run a bath for him and make a huge breakfast, just so she could see her son with a smile back on his face, which didn't happen fast.

"I love him so much mom..." Jisung said, muffled by his pillow, as he cried

"I know my child" She said softly, caressing his hair in a soothing manner

"It hurts so much" He whined "I thought we'll live our happily ever after" He added, crying more "He's all I have and he ruined it, I'm so mad" He expressed, as his mother watched him, a tightening sensation tugging at her heart.

"Time heals everything, my little Jisungie" She said, as she gave a sweet kiss on his head. 

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