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epilogue 1


"Sorry I'm late" Ryujin said as she panted a bit, sitting down at the table.

"No problem" Jisung said. They had arrived a few minutes ago at the cafe "Yeji kept you home?" He asked with a sly smirk, teasing her, as she rolled her eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Lee Minho" Ryujin said with a dangerous tone lacing her voice

"Hi" Minho greeted awkwardly "We met before, tho"

"Oh, yeah right. And I was the one handing Jisung the cocktail you drowned in as well" She responded with a proud smile

Jisung laughed loudly "I forgot about that"

"My clothes didn't" Minho responded with a chuckle

"Aw, was it hard to take off?" Ryujin asked, mocking him a bit

"I threw them, I felt disgusting wearing them, for both reasons" Minho said with a shrug. He felt that the girl wasn't feeling him at all, so he got rather embarrassed.

"Mmh" Ryujin responded, narrowing her eyes at him as if she was trying to read him.

"I'll go ask for our orders" Minho said, in a bid to avoid the ambiance.

"Why did you want me to meet him Ji? I want to smack him" Ryujin complained with a sigh

"I'm contemplating getting back with him" Jisung responded in all honesty, as the girl's eyes went wide "And I need you to not be mad at me, and to try to learn more about him"

"Are you out of your mind?" She exclaimed, shocked

"No, actually I'm good. Perfectly good. Even better as I spend more time with him" Jisung responded as he couldn't hold back a soft smile.

"Oh god. You're whipped" Ryujin responded in pure disgust

"I can't deny that"

Minho came back with three iced americanos and a cheesecake, putting them on the table.

"So Minho, tell me about you" Ryujin asked, as she leant on her hand.

"What? Are we in a job interview or something?" Minho asked, taken aback from the sudden test of conversation

"Look, I don't want to talk to you either but I'm ready to make an effort for Jisung. So talk" She said firmly, rolling her eyes

"Huh... okay" He said as he cleared his throat "This is awkward"

"I didn't ask for your opinion" She responded, narrowing her eyes at him

"For fuck's sake why are you so mean?" Minho asked, getting annoyed by the girl's behavior

"Cause' you used to be a little shit before and I don't like you" She responded confidently, glaring daggers at him.

"Then I don't see the fucking point in coming there when you knew you wouldn't care about me" He responded out of anger, clearly not having the patience for her.

Jisung sipped his americano as he watched the little catfight in front of him. He seemed amused, strangely.

"I told you, I care about Jisung. You don't think it's enough of a good reason? You're just confirming whatever I thought of you" She said, eyeing him up and down judgingly.

"Of course I do, shut up already" He said as he scoffed "You don't know shit about me or about whatever is happening between me and him, how could you suppose anything?"

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