Chapter 28

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Today, Jisung was alone at the studio.

Chan and Changbin had to finish a project they had started before Jisung arrived, then they could start being fully invested with the younger.

Jisung wasn't frustrated by that. He had been working alone since forever, he didn't mind getting a bit alone, but maybe it was a bit too lonely.

Until someone entered.

"Heard you were alone, today" Minho said as he entered, throwing a redbull can at Jisung, who grabbed it immediately with a smile.

"Thanks, my hero in shining armor" Jisung responded, making Minho chuckle "sit down, I need your opinion on this track" He said.

Minho nodded as he put his bag on the ground and started looking at Jisung.

He put the track on, and let Minho listen to the work he had done until now. Minho kept on staring at Jisung, looking at how he was bopping his head to the beat.

Jisung hadn't change at all, and Minho felt happy knowing that. He missed the time they closed themselves in the boy's room, creating music during the whole afternoon. That moment brought Minho endless memories, as he couldn't stop staring at the man in front of him. 

Jisung was an artist. Jisung was a passionate, and that was something Minho couldn't take out of his mind. He loved watching the boy in his element. He loved watching Jisung do what he loved, and he felt terribly proud that he arrived where he actually is.

When the song ended, Minho didn't realize. He had his eyes and mind set on Jisung, completely lost in thought.

"I think my writing process has changed a bit. Lately, I love listening to whatever Chan has produced and listening to it on repeat. I start having random scenarios in my mind, depending on how the track is, and it makes me feel different kinds of feelings. Sometimes it makes me feel sad, other times more cocky, sometimes a bit more funny, it depends. Then I start writing, and then the magic goes on, see?" He babbled happily, lost in his own world.

He noticed Minho being absent-minded, and he called him, trying to get him out of his thoughts.

"Minho?" He asked, clapping in front of him

"You're so amazing" Minho muttered to himself, still staring at the boy, 

but Jisung heard.

"Huh- ... Thanks?" Jisung said, confused on how Minho suddenly started acting.

"No but ... for real ..." Minho said, as he got out of his trance. He lowered his gaze, watching his feet "I've never met a man like you" He added, his voice strangely wavering "And I will never again"

Jisung stood in shock, looking at him with a frown

"Please, don't do this to me" He pleaded, his voice wavering as well

"But Ji..." Minho said as he looked back at the boy, eyes shining "Haven't you imagined, just in the slightest, that we could build something again?" He asked, his tone almost sounding as if he was begging.

"Min, WE cannot build anything anymore" Jisung stated sternly, his frown more apparent.

That was exactly what Jisung was dreading. Now he couldn't do as if nothing was happening. Jeongin was right, Minho can't help loving Jisung.

"Why not? We can try!" He said as he stood up, losing it completely "We have been hanging around each other a lot lately! Have you seen how well we are doing? We're basically doing the exact same things we used to!" He exclaimed, hope shining in his eyes.

"No, no we cannot try. Minho, I can not build something when I'm not able to trust you anymore. I will not spend the rest of my life in a relationship of doubt and stress, and it is exactly what you'll give me if we try again. I don't want to be afraid when you go out without me, I don't want to be scared to not be enough for you, I don't want to suffer like I did. We cannot build something based on trust issues, that would be toxic, and I want none of that. Not for me, nor for you." He said, voice loud and tone strict, breaking in millions of pieces the small hope Minho had created. 

He looked at him like a deer in daylight, baffled.

"Jisung ... I've changed. I'm not in high school anymore, I'm not the same man anymore. I wouldn't dare to recreate my past errors, it broke me enough." Minho tried, tears slowly escaping his eyes "Just give me a chance, please, one last chance" He begged, looking at a serious Jisung.

"But nothing proves it" Jisung simply stated, his eyes showing no emotions "I won't"

"I ..." Minho said, not able to explain to him how much he worships him, how much he wants to show him he's good.

"Stop Minho, god dammit" Jisung started, suddenly exploding in anger "You did enough in the past, you can't torture me right now" He almost yelled, madness rising.

"T-Torture you?" Minho asked dumbfounded, his eyes widening.

"Yes! It was fucking easier when you weren't around me, pestering me!" He yelled, fed up of the situation they were in

"I... I'm sorry" Minho said, voice not above a whisper

"Then fucking act like it! Stop trying to get in my life again!" Jisung said loudly again

"Alright..." Minho said, as he slowly grabbed his bag, ready to leave. He stopped by the door and looked at Jisung once again "...You... You don't love me anymore, right?" He asked, as if a last string of hope could still be seen.

"No. I don't love you anymore" Jisung said, his eyes boring holes into him "It's been years, Minho. Get over it" He responded firmly, cutting that last string in one go

"Okay" Minho let out, his heart breaking more. He will respect Jisung's choices, he will respect the boy's boundaries. He just needed to know... to be sure.

Minho was going to have a long night in his practice room.

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