Chapter 22

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5 years ago

"Minho" His dad's voice resonated, knocking at the boy's door "What happened?" He asked

Minho didn't come back last night. He said he would, but didn't. His dad got worried.

As he arrived back this morning, he left again after shuffling in his room for a moment. As soon as he got back, he rushed to his room, not even greeting his worried dad.

He heard a sob coming from the room, and seconds later, Minho was crying endlessly as his dad was trying to calm him down.

"Why did I do that?" He cried, his voice breaking.

"... I don't know what to say... I thought you liked him..." His dad mumbled, surprised to hear what his son had done.

"I love him! Dad! I love him... And I lost him!" He cried more and more, yelling his heart out. His dad looked at him in despair, wondering what had happened in his son's mind to sabotage his own heart.

"Mom would be so disappointed" Minho mumbled, and that broke his dad's heart.

"Don't say that, baby" He said, trying to soothe him "Mom would try and understand" He reassured him, as much as he could.

"No!" He screamed painfully "She taught me to be loyal, not a fucking disloyal cunt" He cried again.

He cried so much, spent so many sleepless nights, torturing his mind into trying to realize what he had done, trying to remember what had gone wrong for him to make such decisions. But no. He couldn't know, he couldn't understand himself.

He spent nights looking back at pictures, pictures of Jisung and others with them both. He reread their entire conversation from every social media he had, crying at every 'i love you's.

He wanted him back. So much.

But Minho wasn't completely a bad guy. He knew it wasn't correct to run back after him. Jisung would eventually be happier away from him.

The first thing he did when he went back to school, was cutting ties with Haelyn. Not only her, but also the whole dance group. He quit the dance group, deciding that he didn't want to spend time with them.

"You selfish idiot! What about World of Dance, huh?" Haelyn screamed at him, as Minho didn't even listen to any of it. He simply left the room, not looking back at them.

Minho couldn't care less about World of Dance.

What was he going to do? Go and realize his dream of being in one of the most impressive dance's show when he had done so much damage around him? Was he going to happily dance on stage when his heart was hurting so much?

No. He wanted to suffer. He wanted to feel the sweet pain of the consequences of his acts.

He never went to World of Dance, contrary to what most of the school thought.

He didn't think he deserved it.

He would pass through Jisung at school, watching him from afar. Watching how swollen his eyes were, hoping he could kiss it better.

He saw how he came to school with a big beanie and a mask, trying to hide himself. That shattered his heart. He wanted to tell him he was beautiful, he wanted to be able to make him feel what he deserved, love. He regretted how stupid he was for not doing it earlier. He regretted how fucking digusting he was being.

Minho's final exams went rather bad.

He didn't study at all, and passed at the very limit, thanks to his smart mind.

Most universities he had tried to get in didn't want him, they obviously didn't want someone with so low results at exams.

He got into one, until he eventually dropped out and joined the company, he was lucky enough to meet Chan.

He would remember discussing with Jisung about university, about how both of them dreamt of joining an amazing art school, and performing together, working together, and then graduating and being happy, together.

That is why he restricted himself so much.

World of Dance? His dream? No.

University? No, he deserved none of it.

Happiness? Of course not. He deserved to rot in hell. That was what he was thinking.

Back to present

Minho was lying on the ground, exhausted.

He had been practicing for 5 hours long, without interruption. His whole body was aching.

The ringing of his phone took him out of his mind, as he looked at his phone.

"Dad" was calling

"Hi Min, are you alright son?" His voice resonated, as Minho smiled a little.

He put his phone on speaker, and put it beside his head, not wanting to stand up.

"Hi dad, yeah" He responded "Just a little tired"

"Nice, don't you want to come eat with me some time?" He asked, and Minho chuckled

"Yeah... yeah why not" He responded, his smile getting wider.

"Cool..." His dad responded, his voice... airy?

"Is there anything else?" He asked, knowing their conversation wasn't ending just like that

"Min... Your psychologist called me" He said, and Minho sighed right away.

"Dad..." Minho responded, already annoyed from the scolding

"You can't skip them. You know that." He authoritarly said

"I'm a grown ass adult, dad" He responded sassily

"And an unstable one. Skip one other session and I'm taking you there by force, alright?" His dad said, trying to have a much lighter tone, as Minho chuckled softly.

"... Sorry" He said

"Don't be sorry, just keep on track with your therapy sessions, you know how important it is" He nagged, and Minho rolled his eyes.

"Thanks dad" He said, smiling a bit.

"It's okay, Love you Min" He said, and Minho felt a little less empty.

"Love you dad"

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