Chapter 31

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Minho had a hard time understanding what was going on.

He wanted to understand that it was impossible to get Jisung back. But he couldn't make up his mind around the idea.

He was hurting a lot.

He tried so much to think about anything else, he danced more than he slept, he danced all day long, even for things he wasn't supposed to.

As he was repeating the same move he had a hard time understanding, he winced at the slight pain in his ankle.

He muttered a curse as he walked to his phone, pausing the song so he could get a proper look at his leg.

He looked around it, trying to understand why it hurt. He turned it, pressed on it, walked on it. It hurts everytime, why? He started overthinking it.

"Shit" He muttered to himself, unable to understand.

He decided that it wasn't a problem as long as he could dance, so he stood up again, ready to put the music back on.

"You should get this checked" A voice said by the door, as Minho got startled and turned back to the person watching him.

"What?" Minho said, as he squinted his eyes at the boy

Hyunjin smiled at him as he approached the boy, a soft smile at the corner of his lips.

"I can see you're hurting" Hyunjin said, trying to not get too invasive. "You've been limping around in the company these last few days. A dancer that limps is a dancer that doesn't take care of his instruments, man" Hyunjin said, trying to get him to realize.

"What do you want?" Minho responded dryly, wanting none of his advice.

"Me? Nothing" Hyunjin said as he shrugged "Just telling you" He added, as he walked back

"Tsk" Minho scoffed, annoyedly.

"I had the same ache, around the ankle" Hyunjin said, not turning back at him "I got it checked" He added

"Cool for you?" Minho responded, frowning in confusion

"Yeah, if I didn't stop putting so much strength in my leg, I could have lost it forever" Hyunjin said as he turned back to him "I'm warning you, calm down and get this shit checked" He added, before closing the door and leaving.

Minho didn't like the boy.

He didn't like the advice and couldn't care less about the warning.

Did he despised the boy because of how invasive he was being or because he had fucked Jisung? Minho didn't want to think of an answer right now.

"Mmh... Whatever" He said, shaking his body a bit as he walked to his phone "I've already lost everything, it cannot be worse" Minho muttered to himself, before putting the song back on.

"Jeongin, why do you want me to meet your friend?" Jisung whined, he had been taken by force to a cafe not far from the company.

"Because he is at the company as well! Maybe you can become friends!" Jeongin enthusiastically responded "You could have meet him at uni as well, he was a vocal major too"

The boy arrived, sitting at the table with them and greeting the both of them.

As he greeted Jisung, the boy stopped a bit on his tracks

"I know you" He said "We were in the same highschool" He added, smiling warmly at the boy

"Wh- Really? What's your name? I'm sorry, I don't remember you" Jisung responded, chuckling embarrassingly

"Seungmin" He said "I was a nobody" He explained, which made Jeongin mock him

"So was I, how do you knew me?" He asked, surprised

"Well, you were dating a popular guy, everybody knew you" Seungmin said, noticing how Jisung's gaze saddened.

"You're talking about Minho?" Jeongin asked

"You know him too?" Seungmin asked curiously

"He's Chan's best friend" Jeongin said with a chuckle, as Seungmin widened his eyes, finding the situation funny.

"Yeah..." Jisung said, feeling awkward

"The whole school thought of Minho as a nice person, until he cheated on you" He explained, and Jisung sighed loudly

"Everybody seemed to have their nose deep in my business" He complained

"Well yeah" Seungmin said "I did have a talk with Minho tho, he seemed nice"

"Really?" Jisung asked, suddenly interested

"We were paired in a school project, the guy had no one to do it with, and me neither, we were paired randomly. We didn't talk much, but the guy worked really well" He explained, as Jisung listened to him with attention "He was smart, contrary to what I actually thought of him. He was really nice, and seemed so alone"

"Alone? He had his whole gang" Jisung said, rolling his eyes

"Nah, he ignored them most of the time. They seemed to hate him too at some point" Seungmin clarified, and Jisung stood confused.

As he was about to answer, someone tapped his shoulder, as he turned back to the boy greeting him.

"Oh, hi Hyunjin" He said, waving at him

"Hi Jisung, and hello to you two" He said, greeting the others, his eyes lingering a bit more on the new boy he had never seen before

"Hey" The two boys responded in unison.

After a small talk, Hyunjin eventually left, but that didn't stop Seungmin from watching him leave

"Fuck, who's that fine man?" Seungmin asked as he looked back at Hyunjin

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