Chapter 37

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"Hi" Jisung said, as he entered Minho's room. His voice was low, showing a mixture of pity and embarrassment he couldn't hide.

It was a surprise for Minho to see him there, in his room. But he didn't have the energy to actually react. His eyes followed the boy as he entered the room and sat beside him on a chair, then he looked back at the ceiling, like he was doing the last few hours... or days.

"You look like shit" Jisung tried to joke, his voice still wavering a bit from the intense crying he had been doing.

The news about Minho's health crashed into him like a train. He felt thousands of different feelings at the same time and needed a few days to actually come to a conclusion.

He wondered how the latter was feeling, how hurt he must be, physically and emotionally. He knew Minho on a deeper kind of level, he knew how much dance was a part of his life, they shared that kind of connection. The news not only made Minho suffer, but they did it to Jisung as well. He felt bad for him, terribly.

Then, he reflected on the actual reason Minho had this incident. Chan talked about 'overuse', and Jisung concluded that Minho had been spending a bit too much time in the practice room... That is when he started feeling guilty. He knew he put Minho's emotion at a wreck by coming back into his life, hooking up with him, rejecting him. He knew he did have an impact on Minho's work drive. Minho was the kind to busy himself into work to not think, Jisung knew it.

But what made Jisung feel even more guilty, to the point he found himself crying to sleep, was to know when it did happen to the older. The night of his call. The night he called him on the only purpose of saying that he hated him.

Jisung reflected so much on his actions, and on Jeongin's words. Yeah, we all do bad things, it happens.

He chuckled awkwardly when Minho didn't answer. Chan had warned him, Minho had been really silent.

"I heard about what happened... I wanted to check on you" Jisung soft voice said, looking at how exhausted the latter looked. "How are you doing?" He asked, approaching his chair from the bed.

"i'm alright" Minho's little and raspy voice resonated in the room, making Jisung's eyes soften.

"You don't seem to be" Jisung honestly responded, as he noticed a little shift on Minho's expression.

"Can't you leave?" Minho politely asked, not wanting to sound rude, simply wanting to be alone.

"No" Jisung said firmly, and Minho closed his eyes, annoyed.

"I forced Chan to make a call to the hospital" Jisung said, trying to read the boy's expression "Friday you have examinations for the diagnostic" He explained, but couldn't see any signs of interest in the boy, you didn't even responded

"You'll go, right? We can count on you?" Jisung asked again, noticing that the boy still wasn't answering.

"Minho..." He called, his voice now way more saddened.

He couldn't believe how low he had fallen. He couldn't bear to watch him rot in that bed, he felt helpless.

"... Is it my fault?" He asked softly, tears slowly falling from his eyes?

"What?" Minho asked, as he abruptly turned his head to Jisung

"Did you break your leg because of me? Because of my call?" He asked again, as his voice broke.

"No" Minho stated, a frown appearing on his face

"Liar" Jisung accused, frowning as well.

"I'm not lying. I've been overworking myself since god knows when" He said with a sigh as he sat up "Your call did pushed me into 'work mode', because I love dancing and it makes me feel better. But my body was already... too weak..." He said, voice airy and eyes fixated on nothing "Apparently, the rupture was there for a year or so. Call or not, it would have happened. I was damned already" He explained, as he laid back down, still feeling miserable.

Jisung didn't answer for a moment as he processed every words that left Minho's words.

"I'm sorry for my call" He said lowly, ashamed of it.

"You don't need to apologize, I deserved it" Minho simply responded, still looking at the damn ceiling.

"I... I shouldn't hold you accountable for that anymore" Jisung let out hardly, choking on his words

"Well... That is your choice, not mine Jisung" Minho said as he looked back at a crying Jisung.

Jisung took his phone out, he tapped on it for a moment, eyes suddenly concentrated as Minho wondered what he was doing. He suddenly turned his phone to show it to Minho. It was a folder, with records.

"I'm sending you this playlist" Jisung stated, a ghost of a smile appearing on his lips

"What?" Minho asked, confused, as he tried to read the titles.

"These are all the songs we recorded back then. Even the worst ones." He added with a dry chuckle "Most of them are musically terrible but they're fun and sometimes sound good. There's some corny messages at the end, if you remember, but yeah. At the end of the playlist I kept 'Limbo', because it used to be your favorite one. I've redone it yesterday, it's not perfect and I think your voice suits it more but it's hearable!" He exclaimed joyfully, completely changing his demeanor. Minho looked at him with wide eyes, as they softened more and more

"W..Why?" He asked, eyes slowly filling with tears.

"So you can ask your doctors to put it on during your surgery, you know, for luck!"

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