Chapter 19

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"Hey Ji, I'm working on a few tracks next week, wanna come over?" Chan said

Jisung has been thinking about that sentence over and over.

Chan, the BangChan has invited him into his work world. The man who works in JYP, the company he had been dreaming of, has invited him to work along with him.

He was dreaming about an opportunity like that. This way, he could talk about music, meet people with the same passion, and he could even enter the company he likes so much.

His whole week went slow. Everyday, he would be hoping it went faster, just so he could go to Chan's on the weekend.

When the weekend arrived, Jisung got ready thoroughly, obiously. He wanted to impress the boy.

He grabbed his computer, which got more than 250 unreleased songs, and went to Chan's house. Well, Chan and Minho's house*.

"So... you two work together on songs?" Jisung asked, somehow shy to be with the two of them. He sat down beside him on the couch, their computer displayed in front of them.

"Yeah" Chan said "We have been working together for a few months"

"So cool... You're in the company as well?" He asked Changbin, stars shining in his eyes.

He didn't know Changbin would be there, but he couldn't be more glad. It would simply increase the opportunities of having fun in his opinion

"Yeah" Changbin responded coolly. "Are you in a company?" He asked, wanting to know more about the 'outsider'.

"No, I wish" Jisung responded, chuckling awkwardly "I'm an independent creator, I have some contracts with idol's from some companies, but I mainly work with raising Khiphop rappers"

"Like who?" Changbin asked

"I've worked with Dean before, Beenzino, Zene the zilla, Yongguk, and others that aren't really named in the industry, yet" He explained, as Changbin smiled proudly

"Those guys are all fantastic bro" He nodded "Amazing"

"Oh, so you're more of an underground actor?" Chan asked, impressed.

"Yeah, exactly" He responded, nodding along

"And what about your prices? Can you live correctly as an independant?" Changbin asked

"Mmh, it's alright" Jisung said, shrugging "I don't really mind, as long as I can do what I like and I can pay my food, whatever is alright"

"That's the spirit" Changbin hyped him, tapping proudly on the younger's shoulder as Jisung chuckled

"What about joining a company?" Chan asked, seeing how Jisung's eyes suddenly shined with hope

"I've been wanting to, but it's a tight industry, you know" Jisung explained.

"I see" Chan said, as he looked at Jisung's small pout. He somehow hoped the boy had potential, maybe he could help him join JYP? Chan was hopeful.

"And do you rap?" Changbin asked

"Yeah, I don't really know if it's good. I somehow feel more comfortable behind the scenes" Jisung explained, scratching the back of his head.

"Show us" Chan asked, and Jisung gulped.

He needed to be enough for them.

He showed him a few titles he made. He showed him the thousands of tracks on hold, the lyrics waiting patiently on his notes, and some of the finished products he kept for himself.

Changbin and Chan didn't say anything during the whole "show". They listened carefully, their head bobbing along with the music, sometimes frowning.

Jisung didn't know how to interpret it. Was it a good sign? A bad one? Are they disappointed?

"Miserable, huh?" Chan asked with a teasing smile

"Well... That's the last record I did" Jisung said, escaping Chan's gaze embarrassingly.

Chan wondered if the lyrics had something to do with Minho. It was a breakup song, a heart clenching song, just like most of his lyrics. Chan was getting more and more curious about the younger.

And just as he thought about him, the dancer suddenly entered by the door. He looked sweaty, still in his dance outfit, as he took his shoes off and greated the boys.

He had needed a double take to realize Jisung was there. He wasn't expecting the younger to be there, and it was a bit strange because of the fact they didn't talk at all since the last time they saw each other, since they fucked, basically.

Minho nodded to Jisung as a hello, as he smirked at him. Jisung flushed a bit, but smirked along.

"What was that?" Changbin asked, smirking at Jisung "Do you have a thing for Minho?" He added when Minho went to take a shower.

"Oh, no. We have a fling going on, that's just it" Jisung said seriously, almost emotionlessly

"A fling, huh?" Changbin looked at him, playing with his eyebrows

"Nothing else" Jisung stated as a matter of fact.

Chan looked at him, trying to read his mind. He felt somehow sad for his friend, as he realized that Jisung didn't have much intentions with Minho. He also understood him, Minho did break his heart in the past.

"Oh, sad" Changbin said, chuckling "I thought your roommate would finally stop being so lonely" He said as he looked at Chan

"Minho? Lonely?" Jisung asked with a chuckle, almost mocking him.

"Since I know Minho, he has never tried to talk to anyone, you know" Chan explained

"You're joking? He's the most anti-social man I know" Changbin said, laughing

"Wasn't he like that before?" Chan asked, genuinely curious

"Wait, you know him since even before Chan?" Changbin exclaimed, completely lost in the conversation unfolding between Jisung and Chan

"Well, he used to be anti-social, but suddenly got famous and started to hang out with literally anyone" Jisung said, expressing some disgust in his tone as he rolled his eyes.

"Minho? The popular kid?" Changbin asked, and fell in a fit of laughter

Jisung simply looked at him, stunned by his reaction.

What happened to Minho after their break up?

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