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It was the first day of classes and Haerin had yet to get up.

Minji had been running around their apartment all morning trying to get ready when she noticed that Haerin had not gotten up what so ever.

The only telling sign of her finding was that Haerin's house slippers were not on the front mat.

- Haerin POV -

"Haein-ah!! Haerin-ssi!! Haerin!!" I kept dreaming of someone yelling my name in my dreams.

Soon enough, I started to wake up.

"Haein-ahhh!!!" I heard someone yell again and I groaned in annoyance.

"Five more minutes, mom....," I mumbled as I tried to go back to sleep.

"We're gonna be late for classes. Wake up!!" I heard someone yell again.

I immediately jolted off the bed, realizing it was first day of school.

"Kang Haerin!!!" I heard Minji sunbaenim yell through the my bedroom door.

I immediately got up from my and opened the door.

"I'm up. I'm up. I'm so sorry, Sunbae!" I bowed to apologize.

"Get up ready! Classes start in the next 20 minutes and the building is like 10 blocks away!" Subae said a bit annoyed and I nodded a bit intimidated.

Sunbae then walked back to her room and I rushed into the restroom to brush my teeth and get ready.

Soon enough, Minji and I were making our way down the New York streets to try to find the NYU Tisch building.

"Sunbae, I think it's this way!" I told Minji sunbaenim as I tilted my phone map back and worth.

It seemed like we had taken the most unconventional route on the map.

"Okay, let's go!" Sunbae responded.

"And I told you before, just call me Minji," Sunbaenim coldly added.

"Okay, Minji unnie!" I responded a bit awkwardly.

"That's not what I- Ugh, never mind!" Minji unnie seems annoyed at me.

We finally arrived to the Tisch building and I rushed over to my first class while Minji still had about 15 minutes to spare beige her first class.

Minji unnie was part the drama department, while I was part of the dance department. In reality this didn't matter since we'd receive the same type of the degree once we graduated, but it was a way for the school to track our talent.

Luckily, I when I walked into my class, "Performance Theory", the professor had not arrived yet.

I took the seat farthest away from people that I could and waited patiently for class to start.

Suddenly, a student asked me... "Is this seat taken?" 

I looked at her a bit confused for a second and shook my head in response.

"Great! I'm Hanni!" The girl cheerfully introduced her.

I looked look at her, not knowing what to say.

"Let me guess, you're an international student?" The girl asked as she sat down on the empty seat next to me.

I just nodded.

"Don't worry. I'm an international student too, but I travel a lot so I'm used to American culture by now," The girl started randomly talking about herself.

I could understand some English but this girl was talking so fast and excitedly that I could barely understand a single word she was saying.

"Oh, are you Korean?" Hanni-ssi asked a bit surprised.

I nodded yet again. 

Hanni's energy was a bit much for me.

"Annyonghaseyo!" She suddenly greeted me in Korean with a small bow.

For some reason it made me flustered a bit and I couldn't hold in my giggles.

"Hi," I responded back.

"Are you doing okay?" Hanni-ssi all of a suddenly started speaking to me in Korean.

"Yes, I'm okay!" I started to feel a bit more at ease with her, now that she was speaking to me in Korean.

"I travel to South Korea a lot, so I know a bit of Korean. If you need any help just ask, okay?" Hanni kindly offered.

"Okay," I shyly responded.

Suddenly, our professor walked into the class and everyone started to get a bit chatty.

Hanni-ssi started to hit me with her elbow and leaned in to whisper.... "Omg, act a fool. That's the hottest teacher in the whole entire school!"

I tilted my head a bit confused...

"Act a fool?" I asked myself.

I wasn't sure what that meant, but I did know that the man standing in front of us was not attractive at all.








Author's Note: How's the story looking? ._.

ACT A FOOL | Minji x Haerin Where stories live. Discover now