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It was a bit odd for Minji to watch Haerin be all excited about Kid.

"What's with you?!" Minji questioned over 10 times that night.

Haerin was too excited to answer.

"Babe!" Minji kept trying to answer answer out of Haerin...

But Haerin just wouldn't say a logical answer.

"HAERINNN!!" Minji raised her voice out of frustration.

Minji was starting to think that something happened between Haerin and Kid the night before Kid left.

- Haerin POV -

"HAERINNN!!" Minji yelled at me.

She was asking about why was so excited about Kid, but I really didn't know even know myself.

"Did you cheat on me?!" Minji suddenly asked.

I narrowed my eyes at her, offended.

"What?!" I asked.

Minji took a deep breath and crossed her arms in front of her.

I didn't seem like a good look.

"Why do you care about Kid all of a sudden?" Minji coldly asked.

I shook my head and started to shake my head in stress. I chose to just ignored her and started looking for an outfit to wear to the part.

"HAERIN, ANSWER ME!!!" Minji yelled in a deep tone.

I gulped at just the sound of her voice.

I turned to look at her....

Sighing in frustration.

"I don't feel confident without Kid," I spoke up as if I understood what I was talking about.

I open my eyes wide in realization and chuckled a bit.

It was one of those moments where something comes out of your mouth without much thought and you realize how much you had been holding in.

"What?!" Minji questioned with an angry tone.

I sighed out and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"The night before Kid left. I realized how much Kid meant to you and why. I sort of felt why too...," I started to share my feelings a bit.

"Kid made me realize how uncomfortable I felt with myself and how scared I was to just allow the thought of allowing myself to fall for you," I sighed out.

It didn't seem like Minji understood.

How could she?

Minji looked comfortable with the situation from the start.

"What does that mean?" Minji still seemed upset.

I took a deep breath and shook my head.

I was contemplating on sharing my true feelings or if I should just let life explain itself.

Ultimately, I realized....

At times, life doesn't explain things. It just goes on with the things you feed it.

"Kid helped me realize that I wasn't being fair to you," I finally spit out.

"Me being confused about feelings that I shouldn't be confused about was hurting you and Kid helped me see that. It still hurts you, but I don't want it to hurt you anymore," I tried to explain.

ACT A FOOL | Minji x Haerin Where stories live. Discover now