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Over night, Dani ended up cuddling Haerin to sleep, Hyein texted Kid about what was going on, and Hanni ended up getting pretty closed to Minji.

Minji was pretty upset about the whole Haerin situation and it didn't take long for Hanni to pick up on it to try to comfort her.

In the end, everyone ended up sleeping pretty peacefully.

Not much could be said about waking up in a good mood...

At least for a particular someone.

- Haerin POV -

I woke up a bit confused as to why Dani was by my side, but then I remembered that I was so upset at Minji the night before that I didn't even want her to sleep with me.

"AHHH~ NO, NO, NO! THIS WAY!!" I heard Hanni unnie yelling from outside the room.

"No, this way!" Minji's giggle followed after.

I furrowed my brows in confusion about what was going on and got up from bed. I then tip toed my way out of the and into the living room.

"Huh?" I hummed out in confusion when I saw no one in sight.

"AAHHHH~" I heard the girls loud voices again.

I looked around the apartment for a bit to find one of the rooms opened a bit.

"TAP RIGHT HERE!" I heard Minji's husky voice coming from the room.

I slowly peeked inside and found Minji playing video games with Hanni.

I slowly peeked inside and found Minji playing video games with Hanni

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"WTH?!" I thought to myself.

Hanni was leaning up on Minji as Minji held in her arms.

"ALMOST THERE!! YAASSS!!!" The pair yelled, seeming to have won something on their game.

Minji and Hanni high-fived out of excitement then suddenly stared into each other's eyes for a second.

Minji started to turn red and she looked so shy that she broke eye contact first. When she turn away from Hanni's eyes....

Our eyes accidentally locked.

"Oh, Haerin-ah!!" Hanni unnie suddenly exclaimed.

"Minji is so smart. She's really good at this game!!" She cheerily informed.

"No, I'm not!" Minji shyly interjected.

"Yes, you're!" Hanni rebutted.

"Don't listen to her. Yeah, she is! She's good at everything!" Unnie turned back to talk to me.

I didn't like any of what was going on in front of me. My chest felt tight, my breathing got heavy, and I just wanted to tear Minji away from Hanni.

"Did you know that Minji was good at everything?" Hanni unnie giggled.

"Yeah," I coldly answered before storming back to the master bedroom.

- Minji POV -

Hanging out with Hanni was actually pretty fun. She was really funny at times, she knew just the right things to say, and she didn't seem to misunderstand anything. Instead, she asked for clarification or would communicate that she doesn't understand.

It was actually kind of weird how close we had gotten over night.

"Did you know that Minji was good at everything?" Hanni asked Haerin.

"Yeah," Haerin rudely responded, before storming off.

"WTF?" I thought to myself.

"What's her deal?" Hanni looked up at me.

I sighed in annoyance and rolled my eyes. "I don't know. I don't feel like dealing with her moods so early in the morning," I answered her.

"You know, if you really want to reconcile things between you two then maybe you shouldn't be so dismissive with her," Hanni suddenly sat up to face me.

Hanni and I had talked about Haerin most of the night.

I didn't tell her that I liked her or anything, but I did tell her about how we had been arguing and now I wanted to make things up to her.

Hanni quickly seemed to catch on about my jealousy towards Dani. She even suggested that Haerin didn't seem to like her so much. That Haerin seemed jealous of her.

I found that thought ridiculous.

"There you go being dismissive.  You won't even give me an answer," Hanni sighed out.

"Why should I have to put in all the work?" I groaned, throwing myself back on the bed.

Hanni sighed then crawled over and rested her head on my chest.

The sudden action caused my heart to start racing.

"Oh no, I hope she doesn't hear it. I don't want her to get the wrong idea!" I panicked a bit.

"See, you're so angry at her that your heart is-" Hanni was about to say something when we suddenly got interrupted again.

"Minji, I'm making you breakfast. Get up and come outside," Haerin coldly ordered.

"You too, Unnie...," she reluctantly added, looking at Hanni.

Hanni looked up at me a bit confused as I watched Haerin angrily storm off again.

"What's her fucking deal?!" I angrily thought to myself.

"Well, at least she's trying to make it up to you!" Hanni awkwardly chuckled.

"Or she just really didn't want us cuddling," She tried to tease.

Her suddenly joke was start to make me blush, so I playfully pushed her.... saying, "Shut up and let's go eat!"






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