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Haerin ended up going home that day with a lot to think about. She didn't want to be influenced or distracted by anyone, so she told Minji she just wanted a day to herself.

Minji didn't protest.

She just wanted to make sure than her and Haerin had the time needed to fix whatever was going on.

- Minji POV -

The week had felt long and dreadful, but luckily the weekend had come around.

Haerin and I had agreed that we wouldn't breakup, but we would give each other space to figure out our internal stuff first.

While I had accepted culpability for what I did and apologized as many times as I could, Haerin was still unsure about things.

"Hey, Minji-ya!" I suddenly heard Haerin yell through my bedroom door.

"Yeah?" I yelled back as I got up to open the door.

My heart fluttered, like always, when I saw Haerin standing in front of my door.

"What's up?" I asked.

Haerin shyly looked down at her feet and asked

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Haerin shyly looked down at her feet and asked.... "Can we go check up on Kid?"

I was a bit shocked by her request.

Haerin wasn't too fond of Kid, so I was a bit skeptical about why she would even want to check up on Kid.

"Ummm... sure.... but, why?" I asked a bit confused.

"I just want to check on them," Haerin lowly replied.

"Umm, it's a bit early right now but I guess we can go later," I responded.

Haerin shook her head and looked up at me. "I want to go now," she said.

I furrowed my brows in just pure confusion, but I wasn't going to deny her request.

"Okay, sure. But I don't think Kid will be awake," I told her.

Haerin and I then both put our shoes on before heading down to the car.

As I drove, Haerin suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Are you okay? Am I making you nervous?" I asked a bit worried.

"No, I just want to hold your hand," she cutely replied.

I was a bit confused as to why Haerin was acting the way she was. She had been fighting with me all week.

"You have Kid's apartment code, right?" Haerin suddenly asked.

I was a bit confused by the question, but answered... "Yeah, why?"

"Just in case Kid's not awake yet," She answered.

It went silent for a bit, but Haerin soon spoke up again... "If you know Kid's code, why haven't you come to visit them?"

ACT A FOOL | Minji x Haerin Where stories live. Discover now