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While the trio in the bedroom looked out in shock, the pair in the living room was full on making out.

Haerin's lips were the only lips Minji had been wanting to kiss for months.

She wasn't about to let go after she's finally gotten what she wanted.

- Minji POV -

Haerin's lips were so full and soft.

I couldn't stand the nervous look she was giving me, and the tears she was holding back was starting to break my heart...

All I could think of doing to calm her down...

Was to kiss her.

I cupped her face and abruptly pressed my lips on hers.

Lucky for me, Haerin kissed back passionately.

"Unnie?" Haerin suddenly gasped out for air.

"Yes, Kitty?" I whispered against her lips.

Haerin pulled away from my lips a bit shyly and turned her head to avoid my eyes.

"Umm...," she mumbled.

She looked nervous again, so I stepped up and cupped her face to look her in the eyes. "It's alright, baby. You can tell me anything. I'm here for you, we can figure this out," I tried to comfort her.

Haerin cutely nodded and took a deep breath.

"Do I kiss okay?" She shyly asked.

"Huh?" I looked at her a bit confused.

"Because you kissed Kid and you've kiss Hanni unnie.... and.... ummm... I was just wondering if I kiss okay?" Haerin asked all blushy.

I took a deep breath, I was a bit disappointed in myself.

It seemed like Haerin wasn't the only one that was confused this whole time.

"Don't think about that. Your lips are the only lips I've been craving this whole time. Those were just mistakes. Really stupid mistakes," I sighed out a little embarrassed.

I realized Haerin was starting to get a little gloomy, so I scrambled to find the right words to not ruin the moment.

"But to answer your questions," I told her.

I took a small step forward and lean in to whisper into Haerin's ear..., "You kiss way better than them."

- Haerin POV -

"You kiss way better than them," Minji whispered into my ear...

Causing me to turn into a blushing mess.

I then shyly wrapped my arms around Minji's neck and pulled her into a kiss.

Minji's lips were so soft and tender. All I wanted to do was kiss her for the rest of the day.


We suddenly heard someone clear their throat.

Minji and I pulled away from each other's lips a bit startled, turning to look in the direction of the noise.

"Are you guys going to go into one of the rooms or are you going to keep making out in my living room?" Kid smugly asked us.

"Right, sorry!" Minji nervously responded.

"Finally! I thought I was crazy thinking that you two liked each other!" Hyein suddenly walked out of Kid's room.

"Hyein, what are you doing here?" I asked a bit confused.

"What are you doing here?" Kid turned to ask her a bit confused too.

Hyein gave us all an awkward smile and said, "I needed a place to study because Dani unnie was playing music in the dorm way too loudly."

Kid seemed confused but not surprised.

"Alright, just next time ask. Can't just be walking in here without permission. What if I'm home with a girl or something?" Kid scolded Hyein.

"What girl?!?" Hanni unnie suddenly laughed out loud.

"With your cold and weird behavior. You'll probably be single for the rest of your life!" Hanni teased.

"Actually-," I was about to say something when Minji suddenly squeezed my hand.

Kid turned to look a me with a death glare, as if giving me a warning.

"With the way Kid hates most people. I'm surprised they even mentioned being with a girl," I tried to save myself.

"Hey! Alright, alright. Enough about my love life. Let's talk about you two!!" Kid started to change the subject.

"Well, I'm glad I got to kiss you at the very least. I'm happy for you two," Hanni unnie oddly congratulated us.

Minji looked a me a bit embarrassed and let go of my hand.

"I'm really sorry about that. I think you're great and all.... but my heart belongs to someone else," Minji told Hanni.

"It's alright. It's not like you didn't tell me at the restaurant, it was my fault. I'm sorry," Hanni unnie responded.

"She told her she liked me?" I thought to myself.

My heart was fluttering at the thought of Minji telling people that she liked me.

"It's alright," Minji answered her.

"Anyway, let's celebrate!!" Kid exclaimed.







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