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It was now the next class, Minji and Haerin were finally going to find out who their choreographer was...

And when they finally found out...

It was a nightmare.

- Haerin POV -

"Okay, we're doing a contemporary piece to Tate McRae and Ali Gatie's "lie to me"!" Kid began to explain.

Unfortunately, Minji and I got paired... and to make things worse.... Kid was going to be our choreographer for the week.

"But you don't do contemporary," I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Are you kidding? Kid's actually pretty good at contemporary dance!" Minji unnie suddenly exclaimed.

"What?" I thought to myself, getting even more upset than I already was.

I was still angry about Minji choosing Kid over me the other night but this was just making it worse.

"So, is this supposed to be a partner piece or what?" I asked a bit bitter.

I hated that Kid got to be one of the few who choreographed for the class.

I felt like I knew the teacher would assign us to Kid.

"No, actually. It's an individual piece, danced as partners. It supposed to symbolize two people who feel the exact same way but haven't really been able to communicate that to each other," Kid explained.

My heart dropped to my stomach at the explanation.

"Kid, I don't-"

"Ready? Here we go!" Kid abruptly interrupted Minji before she could finish her thought.

- Kid POV -

I was getting tired of the "will-they-won't-they" shit between Minji and Haerin.

It was exhausting.

"Okay, really feel the emotions!" I yelled as I saw the girls hesitating to do the choreography.

I had made this choreography specifically for them...

I didn't really care about the other groups I had been paired with. 

I was just excited to see the two people that I kind of really cared about...

Get along again.

"AGAIN!!" I yelled as the choreo came to an end.

Minji had really scolded me the night before for teasing Haerin too harshly.

In the process of yelling at me over it, Minji ended up accidentally admitting that she does like Haerin.

Now, the only problem was getting Haerin to accept her feelings....

But I knew a confused rainbow when I saw one.

Getting Haerin to accept herself and her feelings would be difficult, but that wasn't what I cared about at the moment.

ACT A FOOL | Minji x Haerin Where stories live. Discover now