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After a few days of settling to their new places, Minji and Haerin had gotten into a routine.

"Babe, come on!" Haerin kept trying to drag Minji out of bed.

It had become a ritual, Minji would get up early to clean and make some snacks for the day, but last minute before having to go to class...

Just to piss Haerin off...

She drop back into bed and pretend to sleep.

- Minji POV -

"Baby, come on! We're going to be late to classsss!!" Haerin whined.

It was kind of cute to see her all annoyed.

Every morning since we moved in, I had been getting up early to get things ready for our day and at the last minute...

I would annoy her, because I loved how cute her reactions were.

"Minji-yyaaaa!!!" Haerin squealed out before just giving up.

Everything went quiet for a second and I suddenly felt Haerin's body plop down on the bed with me.

I chuckled to myself and quickly jolted up from the bed.

"Come on, we're going to be late!" I smugly told her.

"NOOOOO!!!"" Haerin suddenly started to kick her feet and throw a tantrum.

"Come on!!" I laughed out, pulling her up from the bed.

"Why are you so annoying?" Haerin sighed out.

I couldn't help but just laugh at how cute and annoying she was being.

"Because you love me," I responded with a peck on the lips.

It was actually kind of nice when we were at home.

Haerin was really sweet and playful when we were home, but when we were out in public....

It was a different story.

It didn't seem like Haerin was really comfortable being a couple outside of the apartment.

"Are you ready?" I asked Haerin as we grabbed our backpack and headed down to the arts building.

"Mhm," Haerin hummed out.

I always did my best to try to read how Haerin was going to behave for the rest of the day. There was very easy tell-signs of how she was going to be all day by the way she behaved on our way to class.

If she was giddy and happy, then she was going to be clingy. If she didn't let me hold her hand on the way to class, then she was going be reserved and less likely to let me kiss her until we got home.... but if she was being really smug... then it was going to be a really good day for me.

This time, on the way to class, Haerin kept sticking her finger in the loophole of my backpack straps.

It was starting to annoy me.

"Stop that," I huffed out.

Haerin just ignored me.

"Stop putting your finger in there," I huffed again.

"You weren't saying that last night," Haerin smugly responded.

I mouth went wide.

"Haerin-aahhh!" I scolded in embarrassment.

"I'm just saying," She proudly responded, putting her hands in her jacket.

Soon enough, we reached the arts building and headed to our respective classes.

"Hey, hey!" Dani greeted me as I walked into my class.

"Hi," I lowly responded.... still flustered from Haerin's comment.

"How's the boo thang?!" She began to tease.

"She's good!" I perked up by her little comment.

It was actually kind of nice that Danielle and Hanni had just backed off without really being told to.

Well that's a lie...

I had gotten a few hints, here and there, that Kid had talked to them at some point. Still, it was really nice to not have any drama with them after that one night.

We all had actually gotten pretty close, along with Hyein. It was really nice.

- Haerin POV -

I was having a really good morning.

Minji and I were getting really comfortable with each other.

I mean like really comfortable....

"Uhh, I see that little proud walk. What happenedddd?!" Hanni unnie teased as I walked into class.

"Nothing," I smugly replied.

I had gotten really close to Hanni unnie by now.

At first, I was still a bit jealous about how she tried to get at Minji but then she shared something very personal with me and we ended up bonding over it.

"You did the thing, huh?" Unnie kept teasing.

"Maybeee," I responded... trying not to get shy.

And no, we weren't talking about what most people would think.

"Did she bite?" Hanni elbowed me playfully.

I thought about it for a second, before saying.... "like in a sexy way or like in playful way?"

Hanni unnie just gave me a weird face....

Hanni unnie just gave me a weird face

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Saying, "What?"

I didn't understand why she reacted like that, but I couldn't help but laugh at her facial expression.

"Like she-"

I was about to explain myself question, when the professor suddenly walked into class.

"OKAY, CLASS! LET's start reviewing your exam questions!"







Author's Note: What do you think they're talking about? ':3

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