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All the girls felt awkward and tense about the situation they had put themselves in, but no one dared to give it up.

"How about we watch a movie?" Hyein awkwardly suggested.

Kid had called the maknae to go check on whatever Hanni and Dani were scheming.

Unfortunately, Hyein wasn't really told what was going on... she was just told to go supervise and make sure the girls don't break anything.

So, the poor kid had no idea what the weird tension between the group was.

- Haerin POV -

The evening had turned really awkward because of Minji's mood.

She kept mopping around and avoiding everyone, including me.

"Yeah, let's all watch a movie!" Dani answered Hyein's question.

"Okay, what should we watch?" Hyein asked the group.

Dani and Hanni started to suggest movies, while I was too distracted by Minji unnie's behavior.

She had been staring out the window a bit upset for almost 20 minutes now and it didn't look like she had any intention of stopping

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She had been staring out the window a bit upset for almost 20 minutes now and it didn't look like she had any intention of stopping.

"Unnie, why don't you come and join us!" I tried to get her attention.

"Minji!" Hanni unnie tried to help me.

"Minji unnie!!" Hyein tagged along.

"Urgh," Danielle suddenly groaned and got up to get Minji's attention.

"Haerin is trying to get your attention," Dani angrily told Minji.

Minji looked at her a bit lost and then turned back to look at me.

"We're watching a movie. Why don't you come and join us?" I asked a bit uncomfortable.

"Umm, okay," Minji mumbled... still looking a bit out of it.

"I wonder why she's acting like that?" I thought to myself as Minji walked over to sit next to me.

- Minji POV -

I felt heartbroken the rest of the day.

For a second there, I really thought that maybe I was going to confess my feelings to Haerin and ask her to be by girlfriend....

But I was in over my head.

The rest of the day, I realized that Haerin seemed to really enjoy Danielle's company.

Dani would compliment her, make her laugh, get her all shy and blushy.... it was like she had forgotten that I was even around... that I could do all those things too.

"Aww, Haerin-ah is starting to fall asleep!" Hanni suddenly whispered halfway through the movie.

Haerin's head was nodding back and forth, slowly finding it's way to my shoulder.

I was starting to feel the butterflies in my stomach all over again....

When Dani suddenly grabbed Haerin's head and guided it to her shoulder..... telling her, "You can rest you head on my shoulder anytime. Haerin-ei, you can use me as you pillow anytime you'd like."

"Okay," Haerin sleepy mumbled.

I took a deep breath to try to control my jealousy, but I ultimately couldn't.

I'd had enough.

I angrily got up and picked Haerin up into my arms.

"Haerin needs an actual pillow and a bed. Not a shoulder," I coldly told Danielle before carrying Haerin into the master bedroom.

"Unnie," Haerin mumbled as she wrapped her arms around my neck so she wouldn't fall.

"Yeah," I softly responded, started to calm down a bit.

"Why are you so mean?" Haerin whispered.

I stopped in my tracks.

My heart start to hurt and I felt sick to my stomach.

"What do you mean?" I asked before gently trying to place her on the bed.

Unfortunately, Haerin wouldn't let go.

Which just caused my heart to hurt more.

Instead, she nuzzled her head into my chest and mumbled...., "You don't like it when I fall asleep around you, you don't care if I'm hungry, and you didn't even compliment me on my outfit after I put it on just for you."

I sighed a bit frustrated and sat on the bed with Haerin in my arms.

"What are you going on about, Kitty?" I softly asked with a cracked voice.

Haerin lifted her head up from my chest and looked at me.

"Earlier today, you said you didn't like that I was falling asleep during the movie last night, that's why you carried me to bed. Then this morning you didn't like that I was complaining that I was hungry... and now... you're upset because Dani offered me her shoulder," she sighed out with a little pout.

Haerin looked really adorable, but she also looked really sad.

I wasn't sure how to even ease her mind or prove to her that I wasn't trying to be mean.

But still... I took a deep breath then looked into Haerin's eyes. "I'm sorry, that's just me teasing you," I tried to explain, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Haerin ended up sighing again, as if disappointed in my answer.

"I just wish Unnie was as nice to me as Dani is," Haerin mumbled under her breath.

I bit my lip a little bitter about her comment.

"Okay, go to sleep," I sternly ordered before trying to get off the bed.

"Okay," she mumbled in a sad tone.

I felt pretty heartbroken about our conversation, but there wasn't much that I could do about it. It was clear that Haerin liked Danielle more than she liked me.

But still, I tucked Haerin into bed and told her goodnight.

"Unnie?" Haerin asked before I could leave the room.

"Yeah?" I turned to look at her.

"Is it okay if Dani sleeps with me tonight?" She softly asked.

I couldn't bring myself to speak any words. I had no right to tell her 'no'....

So, I just hesitatingly nodded.








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