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Haerin was all kinds of confused.

She was shocked, angry, frustrated, and sad all at once.

"She likes me?!" Haerin groaned as she dove into her bed.

"What the hell does that mean?!?" She whined out loud.

- Minji POV -

After bickering back and forth with Kid about what girl to choose, I finally made a decision.

My phone had been ringing for the last 20 minutes. So, it felt like it was about time that I probably did something.

"Take me home?" I asked Kid.

Kid just nodded and started to put on their shoes.

It didn't take long for us to find our way back to the school.

"So, which girl did you choose?" Kid asked as I got out of the girl.

I sighed a bit frustrated.

"I don't know. I guess I'll have to talk to Haerin first," I mumbled, stressed.

"Alright. Well, good luck!" Kid put their fist up for me.

I gave Kid a soft smile and hesitated to close the car door.

I decided to be nice to Kid for once and got back in the car to kiss Kid's cheek.

"What was that for?" Kid seemed really shocked.

"Thank you for being so sweet. I'm sorry I kissed you. I was just feeling a bit confused about everything," I shyly whispered.

Kid seemed to blush a bit and turn to look away from me.... saying... "Okay. Okay, get up there to talk to your girlfriend!"

"Oh, shut up!" I exclaimed in annoyance, playfully pushing Kid.

Kid just chuckled and pushed me out of their car, before driving off.

- Haerin POV -

"What does that mean?!" I kept on whining to myself.

Minji had been ignoring me all day.

At this point, I was worried that Kid and her were off making out somewhere.

"Why should I care anyway?!" I kept getting angry with myself.

I was so confused.

First Minji is all nice to me and spends her time trying to give me a good day. Then she gets mad and chooses another girl over me.

"Maybe it was my fault," I mumbled as I looked up at the living room ceiling.

I was the one who decided to sleep with Dani unnie instead.

I didn't even give Minji a chance to explain her words and behavior.

"Ughhh, why is she so confusing!!?!" I whined out.

"Things were simpler when we were just rivals," I thought to myself.

I should have never left South Korea.

I should've just stayed home and lived comfortably.

Now, I'm all confused.

"Why me?!" I whined.

"I don't want to like her! She's just my friend!" I mumbled in frustration.

"I don't like her," I tried to calm myself down.

ACT A FOOL | Minji x Haerin Where stories live. Discover now