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Minji, Hyein, and Haerin ended up meeting up in the afternoon to finish up composing their song.

Minji had gone out to buy snacks for their homework session, while Haerin had stayed behind with Hyein in their apartment dorm.

- Haerin POV -

Hyein and I were talking about BTS and their composition style while Minji was gone...

Or at least we were at first.

"So, are you and Minji like friends or something more?" Hyein suddenly asked.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"What do you means?" I asked in return.

"I just noticed that Minji got really defensive when Kid asked to be your partner," Hyein chuckled out.

I thought about it for a second, but I didn't remember Minji getting defensive at all.

"I think you might be mistaken," I answered a bit confused.

"Besides, I'm straight and Minji is just my roommate," I cleared my throat.

I had always admired Minji's beauty. Even when I would get jealous or upset during an audition, I couldn't stay too mad because of how pretty Minji is.

I couldn't say the same thing back at Minji though.

Minji was really nice to me, but most times.... I could tell she didn't really like me.

"I'm sorry if I crossed the line. Minji just seemed like she couldn't get her eyes off you today," Hyein responded.

"Did She?" I though to myself.

"I only did that because that creepy kid wouldn't stop staring at her!" We suddenly heard Minji say.

My eyes went wide.

We didn't know that Minji unnie had come back already.

"And no, I don't like Haerin like that," Unnie coldly stated before placing a store bag filled with snacks in front of us.

For the rest of the afternoon, Minji unnie stayed locked in her room. She seemed really upset about what had happened earlier.

Hyein and I had to work on our composition project all on our own.

"I'm really sorry," Hyein apologized for the tenth time.

"It's fine!" I answered and walked her out of the apartment.

"See you in class," Hyein said in a sad tone.

"See you," I responded while closing the door behind her.

I took a long sigh.

I felt really bad that Minji unnie had heard our conversation.

Whatever it is that she heard, I just hoped that she didn't take it the wrong way.

I was about to head over to my room, when I suddenly saw Minji walking out of the bathroom and into her room.

I slowly stepped a little closer to her room and she hadn't closed her all the way.

My heart slightly started to when I could see Minji through the open space of the door.

"She's so pretty," I thought to myself

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"She's so pretty," I thought to myself.

"Are you gonna come in or are you just gonna look through my door like a creep?" Minji suddenly asked.

I panicked a little and cleared my throat before opening the door all the way to walk in.

"I- I- I'm really sorry about earlier," I stuttered a bit nervously.

Minji sighed before saying... "It's fine".

"I'm sorry for not letting you work with Kid or anyone else. I just thought you'd feel uncomfortable working with other people," Minji unnie seemed really down.

"But I wanted to work with you," I furrowed my brows in confusion.

- Minji POV -

My heart fluttered at Haerin's words.

I wasn't hurt over her saying that she didn't like me like that.

I was hurt that Haerin said that I was just her roommate.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't like Haerin like that either...

But I would like to think that we're more than just roommates.

We had known each other for years and we were always in constant competition.

I wouldn't go as far as saying that we're friends, but I would at least want to think that we're like enemies or rivals or something.

"Ummm.... I guess I'll just go," Haerin mumbled.

I nodded and turned my attention back to the show I was watching on my laptop.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Haerin walk out of my room and close the door behind her.

"Uuurrgghhh!!" I groaned to myself and let myself face plant on my bed.

"She drives me crazy!!" I groaned out loud.

After a few hours of just binge watching my show, I started to get hungry.

I got up from my bed and headed over to the kitchen, but just before I could even find myself something to eat....

I noticed a plate of food on the dinning table with a note that read...

"I'm really sorry.

- Haerin "

My heart fluttered like crazy at the cute gesture.

Haerin had made me eggs with bacon and avocado on the side.

I couldn't stop smiling at how cute she was at time.

It seemed like the food had been recently made too. The eggs were still warm and the avocado looked fresh.

I sat down to eat the food and enjoyed every bite of it.

You could tell that Haerin wasn't much of a cook from how overcooked the eggs were and how burnt the bacon was.

But still, it was really yummy.

After eating, I got up to wash my plate and then headed over to thank Haerin for the food.

I knocked on Haerin's bedroom door, but I got no response.

"Haerin-ei?" I knocked again.

I waited for quiet a while, but Haerin still didn't respond.

I sighed to myself and decided to just see if the door was open.

It was.

I hesitated to walk in, but I want to make sure that Haerin was okay.

I slowly walked in and realized that Haerin was asleep.

She was cuddling this big dinosaur plush and there was stream stains on her cheeks.

It looked like Haerin had been crying before falling asleep.

"Poor, baby!" I thought to myself as I pulled the covers on her to keep her warm.







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