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Everyone ended up celebrating the fact that Haerin and Minji had finally gotten together.

They all had champagne, pizza, and watched a movie together.

It was a nice and chill celebration.

- Minji POV -

It was getting late and I could Haerin starting to nod off.

"Baby, let's go to sleep," I whisper to her as Haerin dropped her head on my chest.

I held Haerin in my arms the entire movie. It was actually really nice.

It didn't feel uncomfortable, like it had felt for the last week.

Haerin didn't end up responding to me because she had fallen asleep.

I sighed a bit and grabbed Haerin into my arms to carry her to bed.

"Goodnight," I told the group.

"Goodnight!" The group responded a bit tipsy.

I carried Haerin to our bedroom and gently placed her on the bed.

"Uuurrmm," Haerin suddenly groaned.

"M-Minji," she started to mumble.

"Unniiiee," she whined out when I didn't respond fast enough.

"I'm here, baby. What is it?" I leaned down to tend to her.

Haerin suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me down into the bed with her. "Your arms, I want to be in your arms," she groaned out.

I giggled at her cute behavior and made myself comfortable in bed before wrapping my arms around her waist.

Haerin suddenly turned around, grabbing my arms to place around her.

My heart started to flutter and pulled her close, spooning her as she started to fall back asleep.

"Unnie?" Haerin suddenly mumbled.

"Yes, baby?" I whispered.

"Was today our first day?" She whispered back.

"I don't know. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked.

It went silent for a bit.

Haerin then turned around and sleepily looked at me.

"Are you asking me?" She shyly asked.

"Yes," I smirked before giving her a wide smile.

"Then yes," Haerin responded, causing my heart to start racing.

"Then yes, today is our first day," I smugly replied with a peck to her lips.

Haerin started to blush, then suddenly crawled on top of me and pinned me to bed.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I asked nervously.

Haerin didn't respond and instead pressed her lips on mine.

"Baby," I whispered against her lips a bit shocked.

"Shhshh, just let me love you," Haerin whispered back before deepening the kiss.

I did as she asked and relaxed a bit.

Kisses started to trail on down my neck and on my collarbones.

"She makes me so weak," I feverly thought to myself.

- Haerin POV -

I couldn't help myself anymore.

I wanted Minji to know I liked her more than what she thinks.

I started to roam my fingers on the loops of her jeans, slowly trailing up to touch the bare skin underneath her shirt.

"Haerin-ei," Unnie moaned against my lips.

Before I knew it, Minji had overpowered me and was now teasing me the same way I just had.

"She's so sexy," I thought to myself, enjoying every kiss she laid on my skin.

"I love you," I unconsciously whispered.

Minji stopped for a second and looked me in the eyes....

"I love you too," she responded with a wide smile...

Before pressing her lips on mine.

- Kid POV -

The movie credits started to roll through the screen and Hyein suddenly got up from the couch.

"Goodnight, Sunbaes!" She groggily said to us.

"Goodnight," Hanni and I tiredly responded.

Hyein retreated off to her bedroom for the night and I was left alone with Hanni.

"What do you think they're doing?" Hanni smugly asked.

"Probably making out," I sighed out.

"Urrgghh," Hanni groaned, throwing herself across my legs.

"I wish Dani and I had ended up like that too!" She whined out.

"Get over it!" I groaned out myself.

Hanni and Danielle had sort being in a similar position as Haerin and Minji when they first met.

"You shouldn't have rejected her," I answered in annoyance.

When Hanni and Dani first met, Danielle wasn't shy to show Hanni her feelings.... but Hanni on the hand.... she was too confused about her identity and rudely rejected Dani.

By the time Hanni had finally accepted her feelings for Danielle, Dani had moved on and wanted to just be friends.

"I knnnooww!" Hanni whined out.

"At least Minji got the girl in the end," she sighed out.

"Yup, their first day. Let's see how long it lasts!" I mumbled.








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