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Once Kid had realized that Haerin and Minji were not a fighting couple going through a rough patch....

Kid decided to take the opportunity.

- Kid POV -

Hanni, Dani, and Hyein had all shared with me about the odd pair that was Minji and Haerin.

Hyein and Danielle both came from South Korea themselves and Hanni was a frequent South Korea tourist.....

While I...., I had visited a lot of countries while mother was on tour....

I was most fond of Japan and South Korea.

My interest in these countries were mostly ambitious.

Asian countries were always so hard to blend into or be accepted in.

Even when mother and I would visit, it was like I was still treated as if we didn't matter.

When I first saw the pair, Minji and Haerin, It was hard to believe that it was them.

When I visited Korea, I always saw billboards of them or saw music videos that featured them or even saw clips of movies they made cameos in.

Growing up....

I always wanted to be like them.

So, when mom sent me here.... I was more than pleased to find out that Minji and Haerin were attending the same school.

My only problem was that....

I have a hard time with people.

My mom adopted me and didn't raise me herself.

I had to learn to adapt to many different kinds of people. I had to teach myself to be nice or to pretend...

Most times, I was either awkward with people or used them to my advantage.

When I was awkward with people, It meant I had some respect for them or I looked up to them in some way. It meant I was doing my best to not hurt them....

But when I'm nice and cunning with people...

It meant that I didn't see a benefit to them, aside from a social status I could climb on.

"Kid?!" Hyein suddenly yelled.

I shook my head out of my thoughts.

I had been debating with myself about getting close to Haerin.

I was doing my best to respect whatever relationship Haerin and Minji we're having, but it seemed like I had misunderstood the situation.

Haerin and Minji seemed like such a bickering couple.... that... I decided not to get between them...

Little did I know, I was wrong.

"Kid!!" Hanni suddenly smacked the back of my head.

"Don't, Don't do it! I know that smile!" Danielle suddenly scolded me as class ended and everyone started to leave.

See, I had met Dani and Hanni during the NYU summer program.

They were constantly talking about this kid who would soon be joining the school.


I guess Hyein missed the deadline to move into the summer program dorms and she didn't end up starting school with us.

The girls always talked about how Hyein was one of their family friends or something, but I never really cared.

I had enough shit to worry about.

"Hello?!!" Hyein snapped her fingers in my face.

For someone who had just met me in last 48 hours, Hyein was sure getting comfortable with me.

"What's with you and them anyway?" Dani suddenly asked.

"Like I said, my mom knows them!" I answered and rolled my eyes for the 5th time.

My real mom was Kim Taeyeon.

She had kindly adopted me before I turned 18, but due to such harsh immigration laws and foreign policies in South Korea...

Mom had ask a favor from a friend...


That favor caused a lot of rumors around the school... and... around the word , but I was good at not relieving my identity.

So, we all had to deal with these speciations.

"You're making that face again," Dani suddenly popped her head in front of me.

"You girls are so paranoid. I don't care for them!" I finally snapped.

"You girls can keep going with your couples scheme. I don't care about them! Yeah, they're nice but good luck trying to get at them. They seem to be in love with each other anyway!" I growled in anger as I packed up my things.

"Kid!!!" I heard the girls yell as I stomped my way out of the lecture hall.

"Kid!!!" I kept hearing the yells as I made it to the main street.

I ended up just walking into an alley way and taking a shortcut to my dorm to avoid the girls.

See, Hanni and Dani had decided to try to get with each other's classmates.

Danielle was trying to set Minji up with Hanni. While, Hanni was trying to get Haerin interested in Dani.

I found this a dumb idea...

Considering that we weren't even a week into school...

But the girls insisted that the first week was the best time to make friends or get with anyone.

- Haerin POV -

"That girl Danielle really seems to like you," Minji unnie suddenly said as we walked to our dorm.

Minji unnie was done with classes for the day, while I still had a dance class to attend.

"I guess " I awkwardly answered.

"Do you like her? Does she seem cool to you?" Minji asked in a weird tone.

"Yeah, she seems cool!" I awkwardly chuckled.

"How about Kid?" Minji unnie kept asking me questions as if I much time to think about anything that wasn't food or resting.

"Yah, Kid seems cools," I answered.

"Really?" Minji asked as if offended.

"Yeah, Kid is doing a minor in Dance... so, I guess it's cool," I answered.

"Really? I didn't know that," Minji kept talking.

"I'm starving!!" I finally sighed out as we got closer to the U-Hall.








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