Chapter 1 - Promised Me

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Today is my eighteenth birthday, I'm leaving my childhood behind and starting a new life with the one I love. My childhood, was no normal childhood though, it was full of grief, sadness and loss. My parents both died in a  scuba diving accident on what was supposed to be the 'vacation of their lives.' It practically was.

It was a normal Wednesday night which I was spending with my boyfriend when we got the call with the news. I ran to answer the telephone, only to be told there had been an accident in which my parents were in; and they were lost. They had gone for a holiday and gone scuba diving. There was an accident and they both disconnected, therefore, both immediately dying. Their bodies were never found and this day haunts me. It felt like my heart could have burst when they said that they hadn't lived. I fell slowly to the floor, he caught me and held me for I don't know how long, but I just cried into his shoulder letting my emotions flow. I was confused and broken: I had nowhere to go. Holmes Chapel in England was my only home, the only family I had left was my aunty who lives in Australia; I don't know her very well but I knew I could always count on her.

When we arrived at the police station his mum and her boyfriend were there, along with my two best friends Victoria and Jet. They were the only friends I had back in England; I miss them so much.

Going to the funeral was the second hardest thing I had to endure, knowing that I was letting both of my parents go crushed me. Even though there were no coffins, nor bodies, it still felt like I was officially letting them go. I tried hard not to cry but the tears were a constant stream: a constant reminder of the days to come. It was a small yet respectful funeral seeing they didn't have family, all there friends came and after we went back to his house for the waking. I never liked that word, it always gave me hope that someday they would come back to watch me grow, but I knew deep, deep down; they were never coming back. They were gone for good.

The next few days were hard; I couldn't sleep so the doctor put me on drugs. I stayed over at his house with his parents. They took such great care of me, they fed me, helped me rest and he, my boyfriend, comforted me. But the day that I dreaded most arrived: I have been requested to go live with my aunt in Australia. I didn't want to leave my home behind, my friends, my school and most of all him. I loved him with all my heart. He was the best person to be with through any time, he was funny, loving, caring and sweet. He had a brown mop of hair and the clearest, emerald eyes you'll ever see. His smile could light up a dark room, hell, his smile could light up all of New York when it's dark. What I loved about him most was his deep voice, which sounded so angelic and clear when he sung. When he sung all of my worries left me, it was only him and me in this little world.

I had to go to the airport the next morning to go to Melbourne, Australia. All of my friends came. I was a nervous wreck, I know he could see it because he held my hand the whole cab ride there. And when it was time to leave I had to say my goodbyes. It was so hard, I couldn't hold in my emotions so tears started to stream down my face. One by one my friends hugged me and then I hugged his parents and finally it was his turn.

I turned to him, he looked like he was about to crumble too. He grabbed me and pulled me in for a passionate kiss; a kiss that I never wanted to end. I don't know how long we stood there for, but if we could have had all the time in the world there wouldn't have been enough. His hand trailed down my back, when it reached the bottom he pulled me closer, then, we were both as close as possible. Then my flight was called and I pulled back, breaking the kiss (I regret this). He looks at me sadly and forces a smile. This just made me burst into another heap of tears, he pulled me close so our face were only centimeters apart.

He said "Emma, you are the most brave and beautiful girl I know. I love you, and I will never stop loving you. When you turn eighteen, I will come down to Australia and bring you home, where you belong. I love you so much, you know that right?"

All I could do was nod, in case I had another crying fit.

"I promise you, you will be okay down there, you will make many amazing friends just as awesome as Vic and Jet. You will make me proud."

"On one condition," I squeak, "you have to make me proud, chase your dreams. I love you."

"I love you too," he says.

Then with that I left behind my whole life in order to have a new one.

That was the last time I saw my one true love.

Harry Styles.

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