𝟮. 𝗤𝘂𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗽𝘆 {𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱}

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Ellie sat in therapy as she sat looking at her

"I'm in a hurry. I can not stay. The chief a big meeting. But I wanted to tell you that I'm finished with therapy." Ellie said as she sat there smiling

Ellie was happy. She and derek were happy and they had been through a lot and they had found an apartment to rent as derek build their dream home

" Ellie. You are not finished . You've worked  incredibly hard. Look how far you've come , you've scratch the surface" dr wyatt said as Ellie rolled her eyes 

"Dereks moved in and we've take in it to the next level" Ellie said

"It's not about derek"

"I'm happy"

"It's not done" dr wyatt said as Ellie frowned

"I'm happy isn't that the point" ellie said

"No...I need you to stay for this session" dr wyatt said as Ellie stood up and sighed

"No, the meeting, the chief ... Thank you, Dr. Wyatt.Thank you for everything." Ellie said before she walked out of the room

Ellie walked into the room as she saw Chloe and looked to her and smiled as she sat next to her

"Thanks" Ellie said as Chloe saved her a seat

"Where have you been? Sex with mcdreamy" Chloe asked as Ellie looked to her and rolled her eyes

"No I went to see my therapist. Derek I left unpacking" Ellie said as Chloe looked to her and smirked

"I can't believe that you and mcdreamy are all happy and in love after addison and rose" Chloe said as Ellie looked to her and smiled

"It's about time. I'm ready to quit now"

"What therapy are you sure that is a good idea" Chloe said as Ellie looked to her and rolled her eyes

"What is that meant to mean" Ellie asked as the chief stood up front

"We're very busy so I'll be brief. I set up a new protocol at Seattle Grace. Will the new rules and are new and going to be newly enforced" the chief said as Ellie and Chloe held a look.

"First, second and third-year residents will no longer be allowed to de facto specialise.The practise interferes
with the development of a fully-rounded surgical education.
No more. Personal relationships, personal loyalties and personal favourites will no longer be a factor in our training programme. Attendings, you will spread your wealth of knowledge equally among all of the residents. In addition, we'll refocus our attention on patient communication and bedside manner. For some of us,this means learning the lost art of humanity and compassion. For others, this means learning how to treat patients without becoming emotionally involved with them." The chief said

Chloe glanced to Ellie and frowned

"You know that's a dig at you and derek. Personal relationships right?"chloe asked as Ellie looked to her and shrugged

"I don't care what he thinks. He had an affair with Meredith's mother I'm sure he wasn't thinking over his wife then" Ellie said.

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