𝟰. 𝗞𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝗷𝗮𝗿 {𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲'𝘀 𝗻𝗼 𝗜 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗺}

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Ellie lay in bed next to derek reading. He lay asleep next to her asleep. She knew that she couldn't sleep so she found herself reading medical books. She glanced to the time and yawned. She knew that she had to try and sleep as she had to get up in the morning

She placed the book that she was reading on the side and rolled over so that she was lying on Derek's chest. He wrapped an arm around her even though he was asleep and pulled her close. It become natural to them

Ellie walked into the kitchen the next morning. She was running late. She looked to see derek as he sat in the kitchen and smiled as she reached across and grabbed a slice of his toast

"Hey" she said as he smiled

"Hey. You know, one of the joys of cohabitation is having breakfast together." He said as she smiled

"Well, I can't today because Bailey paged us in early."

"Well, I guess you don't have time to look at our work in a major medical journal." Derek said as he held up the magazine

"they published our clinical trial? It's on the cover. A new method in treating inoperable malignant gliomas ... the Shepherd method." Ellie said as she grabbed it and read the article

"What do you think?" Derek asked

"It's a picture, a big picture of you." Ellie said

"You're making a face."

"I'm not making a face I love that picture. I have to go" she said as she placed a hand on his cheek and smiled

"I love you" he said as she smiled

"Love you too"

Ellie sat in the locker room as she sat reading the article on derek and the clinical trial. She was trying to be happy for him and not be annoyed but she had been there with him on that trail and there was no mention of her.

"the chief wants us to give George one of our interns?" Cristina asked

"Except for Grey. She already lost O'Malley.
Just dump your dead weight." Alex said

"Oh, please. They're all dead without that's why I need all four of them, not three." Cristina said as they looked to see Lexie as she walked in with balloons and a gift basket

"George is filling out paperwork, getting his real live doctor wings, so I thought now would be a good time to decorate his locker." Lexie said

"Give me that coffee." Cristina said


"I don't even want the credit, but the clinical trial was my idea.And I had to beg him to do it, more than once." Ellie said

"it's okay you want the credit. I would want the credit." Chloe said

"When you screw the attendings, you get screwed. They have all the power." Cristina said

"Interns. You could screw interns.I mean date.Residents could date interns, 'cause we're nonthreatening.
I read this study once that said that interns hardly ever file sexual harassment claims because we feel so weak and powerless in the hospital environment, so that's good." Lexie said as they all held a look

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