Chapter 5

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Back on Earth, in Kyoto at Jujutsu High, the teacher's lounge provided a space for relaxation and enjoyment. Satoru Gojo, renowned for his charm and extraordinary abilities, was in the midst of savoring each bite of a delightful Kikufuku – a rice cake filled with cream and sweet paste. Each mouthful was an experience in itself, and he couldn't help but express his satisfaction.

Satoru Gojo: Damn, the Zunda never gets old. Whoever made these is practically a god.

As he was gearing up for another indulgent bite, his phone suddenly began to ring. Without skipping a beat, Gojo placed the rice cake into his mouth, using one hand to retrieve his phone and answer the call. With his mouth still occupied, he answered the phone in his usual charismatic manner.

Satoru Gojo: (with his mouth full) Mellow. (swallows) Hello, you're speaking to the handsome and awesome Satoru Gojo, the strongest.

The voice on the other end of the line was filled with urgency and excitement, causing Gojo to raise an intrigued eyebrow.

Marry: (screaming on the other line) Gojo, I need your help.

The sudden intensity of Marry's words nearly deafened him, causing him to drop his cake in surprise. For a moment, his demeanor shifted, and he lowered his head, seemingly lost in thought. But he quickly regained his composure and his typical charismatic demeanor.

Gojo: (smiling) Marry, long time no hear. So what's the situation?

Marry's voice was filled with concern and urgency, conveying the gravity of the matter.

Marry: (anxious) Gojo, Naruto is missing. He just vanished.

Gojo's expression turned serious, and he swiftly sat up in his chair, his focus entirely on the conversation.

Gojo: What happened?

Marry: I came home and found Naruto's room with a lingering smell of smoke. There are burn marks on the floor – the same marks he left on October 10th when he arrive.

The news hit Gojo like a bolt of lightning. His carefree demeanor vanished as he recognized the significance of the situation.

Gojo: Explain.

Later, in the student lounge, three students were relaxing: Maki Zennin, Panda, and Toge Inumaki. Maki was on her phone, but she lowered it abruptly, sensing something amiss.

Maki: Something doesn't feel right.

Panda looked away from his book and glanced at Maki with curiosity.

Panda: What do you mean?

Toge: Bonito Flake?

Maki: It just feels too normal now, like something is about to happen any second.

Suddenly, the door was dramatically kicked open, revealing Satoru Gojo in a comically exaggerated pose. Maki gave him a deadpan stare.

Maki: That.

Panda: Sensei, what got you all fired up?

Gojo's expression turned serious as he addressed his students.

Gojo: I received a call from Marry Nelson.

This caught their attention, and they exchanged concerned glances.

Maki: Naruto's mom. Did something happen?

Gojo nodded, his demeanor grave.

Gojo: Apparently, Naruto has vanished. Marry found scorch marks on his room floor – the same kind he left when he arrived in this world. We believe Naruto was taken back.

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