Chapter 13

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As Naruto smirked at the towering skeleton of Susano'o, Kushina and Satsuki were taken aback by the sheer scale of Itachi's power. Satsuki's heart raced with fear and disbelief; she had never imagined her brother capable of such formidable strength. Realizing that Itachi had been merely toying with her, holding back the true extent of his abilities, a bitter mix of awe and envy churned within her.

Meanwhile, Naruto's calm demeanor in the face of such overwhelming power struck a sharp contrast. His confident smile never wavered, even after delivering a powerful blow that sent Itachi reeling. To Naruto, the battle with the Akatsuki seemed almost like child's play—his ease and control only further highlighted by the desperation and chaos exhibited by his opponents.

Satsuki gritted her teeth, her envy palpable as she watched Naruto. She had trained relentlessly, yet here he stood, outmatching even the most feared members of the Akatsuki with what seemed like minimal effort. The disparity in their powers gnawed at her pride, fueling a fierce desire to bridge the gap.

Kushina, on the other hand, felt a surge of maternal pride mixed with worry. She knew the dangers of the path Naruto was treading—facing such powerful enemies alone was a tremendous risk. Yet, she couldn't help but marvel at how much her son had grown, not just in power but in confidence and resolve.

Itachi, recovering from Naruto's hit, wiped the blood from his mouth and adjusted his stance, his eyes narrowing with a mixture of respect and determination. The red chakra flared around him, intensifying as he fully manifested the spectral form of Susano'o, complete with its massive skeletal structure and glowing ethereal weapons.

Itachi: Naruto.

Itachi's voice was calm, even as his chakra roared like an inferno

Itachi: "you underestimate the true power of an Uchiha. This is not merely about brute strength."

Naruto, undeterred, tightened his fists, his own chakra flaring in response, creating a vibrant contrast of blue and red energies swirling around the battlefield.

Naruto: "Maybe"

Naruto replied with a grin.

Naruto: but it's about who can stand up the longest. And I'm not going down without a fight."

The air crackled with tension, the eyes of everyone on the battlefield fixed on the two formidable ninjas. With a sudden burst of speed, Naruto charged forward, his movements a blur as he aimed directly at the heart of Itachi's Susano'o. Itachi responded in kind, his Susano'o's massive arms moving to intercept Naruto with a strike that could cleave mountains.

Just as the two forces were about to collide, a voice cut through the tension.

Satsuki: "Itachi,"

Satsuki whispered, her voice almost lost amidst the roars of chakra and wind. She looked on, her brother's previous teachings echoing in her mind, mixing with her current turmoil over Naruto's prowess and her own unspoken fears.

As the battle raged, the ground trembled and the sky darkened, underscoring the epic nature of the confrontation. Satsuki, Kushina, and the rest of Konoha's nin watched, each caught in their own thoughts and fears, yet united in their anticipation of the outcome of this monumental clash.

Naruto dashed toward Itachi with blinding speed, his body a blur against the backdrop of the battlefield. As he closed the distance, he drew back his fist, channeling a massive surge of energy. The impact of his punch against the skeletal Susano'o created a shockwave that ripped through the air, causing the massive construct to skid across the ground and jarring Itachi within.

Kushina and Minato watched, their expressions a mix of astonishment and concern. Sixteen years had passed since they last saw their son, and the life he had led in his adoptive world remained a mystery to them. Whatever training he had undergone, it was clear it didn't rely on traditional chakra methods. The raw power and technique displayed by Naruto suggested a discipline both unique and formidable.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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