Chapter 12

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The revelation of Naruto's return sent shockwaves through the battlefield. The dismembered Hidan writhed on the ground, cursing and screaming obscenities at the young Uzumaki. Naruto, however, remained eerily calm, casually discarding the piece of Hidan's shoulder.

Naruto: (casually) Now, who's next? I've got a lot of pent-up frustration to release.

The Akatsuki members, recovering from their initial surprise, exchanged uncertain glances. Kushina, overwhelmed with tears of joy and relief, couldn't help but cry out.

Kushina: (crying) Naru-chan.

Kakazu, still unable to comprehend Naruto's revival, muttered in frustration.

Kakazu: This is a nuisance.

Kisame, smirking at the unexpected turn of events, acknowledged their underestimation.

Kisame: Looks like we underestimated him.

Naruto shifted his focus, his calm demeanor contrasting with the tense atmosphere. He spoke casually about his immortality and proceeded to demonstrate by intentionally severing his own hand. The horrified Konoha nin watched as Naruto laughed, surrounded by a spark of red electricity that initiated the regeneration of his entire hand.

Satsuki, disturbed by the sight, couldn't help but notice Naruto's unsettling amusement.

Satsuki: (whispering) What's wrong with him?

Naruto: (laughing) Calm down, folks. Time for a magic trick. Three... Two... One... Abracadabra!

Witnessing Naruto's limbless hand regenerating left the Akatsuki members in shock. Kushina, Minato, and the others from Konoha were astounded by Naruto's extraordinary abilities, reminiscent of the legendary Hashirama Senju.

Minato: Amazing. The only person who can regenerate limbs like that is...

Shikamaru: Hashirama Senju.

While the Akatsuki processed the situation, Naruto, now playing with his knife, questioned their motives for capturing tailed beasts. He revealed that he had manipulated Kakuzu's monster to bring more Akatsuki members to the scene.

Hidan, unable to contain his rage, accused Naruto of being oblivious to their presence when they arrived.

Hidan: Damn you! You were like an animal in heat and didn't notice our presence!

Konoha-nin were left dumbfounded, especially with the unexpected revelation of Naruto's encounter with another Jinchuriki, Fu. As the tension rose, Naruto continued his provocations.

Naruto: All I see are a bunch of weak little pussies with sad or evil backstories. Typical villain cliché and stuff. In my eyes, you're all weak as hell.

The air grew silent, and a wind blew, carrying Naruto's words to the ears of the Akatsuki members. Kisame, particularly angered by the insult, threatened Naruto.

Kisame: Brat, I'm going to chop your leg off if you try to run!

Naruto, unfazed, mocked Kisame, referring to him as a "guppy" compensating for a small stature beneath the cloak. This sparked laughter from Kushina, who found herself amused by her son's audacity.

Kushina: (laughing) Guppy!

The laughter echoed as Naruto faced Kisame, who swung his sword, attempting to strike him. Naruto retaliated by slamming his fist against the sword, causing a painful whimper from the usually invincible Samehada.

Naruto then leaped towards Kisame at high speed, meeting a water prison jutsu.

Kisame, using his water-based jutsu, encased Naruto in a sphere of water. The Akatsuki members watched with anticipation, expecting this technique to neutralize the resurrected Uzumaki. However, Naruto's laughter echoed from within the watery prison.

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