Chapter 9

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In the midst of this already awkward and hilarious situation, Naruto couldn't help but add a teasing comment. He pointed a playful finger at Kushina, his face still slightly flushed.

Naruto: (grinning) Well, well, the red-haired seducer!

Kushina's jaw dropped in absolute shock. She stammered, her voice filled with disbelief.

Kushina: (yelling) What? Why would you call me that?

Naruto: You're just a person that kidnapped me from my home, who knows my name. who also live in a ninja world where female ninjas sometimes seduce their targets because of their bloodline, to have powerful offspring. It's not unheard of.

Kushina froze, his words striking a chord of truth. She couldn't deny that the shinobi world had done some very questionable things in the name of power and duty.

Naruto continued, his tone sincere.

Naruto: (earnestly) But no matter how many hot women they send my way, I won't be stupid enough to fall for it. I'm not that naive.

Kushina blushed deeply, her shock slowly giving way to a mix of emotions. Shizune, on the other hand, was still staring at Naruto's male anatomy, her face blushing like crazy. The absurdity of it all had created a truly unforgettable moment for the three of them.

Kushina couldn't help but point at Fu, her eyebrows raised in disbelief, as she made her next accusation.

Kushina: (accusingly) And you! Carrying her like that, naked! You just met her, didn't you?

Naruto and Fu answered almost in unison, their voices blending in perfect harmony.

Naruto & Fu: (simultaneously) It was human and animalistic instinct.

Kushina, her patience wearing thin, gave them a deadpan look, her voice carrying the weight of her exasperation.

Kushina: (exasperated) Human and animalistic instinct? Really?

Meanwhile, Shizune, still blushing uncontrollably, had her nosebleed under control. But she couldn't stop staring at Naruto's amazing physique and impressive anatomy, despite his previous command to cease.

Naruto, clearly irritated by the awkwardness of the situation, couldn't help but vent his frustration.

Naruto: (annoyed) Stop staring, you two! You're acting like a couple of... pedophiles.

At that very moment, Kushina's mind seemed to break. She stared at her son in disbelief, a mixture of shock, horror, and embarrassment flashing across her face as she tried to process what he had just said.

As Kushina struggled to process her son's words, Naruto and Fu exchanged a knowing glance, both understanding the absurdity of the situation. Naruto decided to break the silence, hoping to lighten the mood.

Naruto: (grinning) Well, this has been quite an eventful day, huh?

Fu chuckled in response, nodding in agreement. It was undoubtedly a day they would never forget, filled with unexpected encounters, surprises, and, of course, the bizarre accusations of pedophilia.

Kushina, however, couldn't bring herself to respond. She stood there, still in shock, her mind reeling from the whirlwind of emotions and revelations. Shizune, on the other hand, was gradually regaining her composure, her blush fading as she realized the ridiculousness of the situation.

Fu eyes widen and regoinzie the Kushina.

Then, Fu's eyes widened as she recognized Kushina.

Fu: (excited) You're Kushina Uzumaki!

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