Chapter 7

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Naruto had crossed the border of the Land of Fire, leaving behind the familiar forests and villages he had known all his life. The wilderness here was different, infused with a natural energy that felt clean and pure, unlike anything he had ever experienced. As he leaped from branch to branch, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and serenity of this untouched land.

He knew he couldn't stay here indefinitely. As much as he was drawn to this newfound connection with nature, he had a life and a home waiting for him on the other side. The questions about why he had been brought to this strange world and how he could return home weighed heavily on his mind.

Naruto decided to seek guidance from the one companion who had been with him through thick and thin – Kurama. He closed his eyes for a moment, focusing on the presence of the Nine-Tails within him.

Naruto: (mentally) Kurama, we need to figure out a way to get back home. I can't just stay here in this world.

Kurama's voice echoed in his mind, a deep and thoughtful tone.

Kurama: (mentally) I agree, Naruto. We need to find a way back to Earth. And I might have an idea. You've learned some sealing techniques during your travels, right?

Naruto nodded mentally, recalling the time he had spent at Jujutsu High in California and Kyoto, where he had picked up a variety of sealing techniques. It had been an incredible learning experience, and he had become quite adept at applying seals for various purposes.

Naruto: (mentally) Yeah, I've picked up some sealing techniques along the way. What are you thinking, Kurama?

Kurama: (mentally) Well, how about we combine what you've learned from Earth with some of the sealing techniques used in this world? We might be able to create a unique seal that can transport us back.

Naruto's eyes lit up with a spark of hope. It sounded like a plan worth trying.

Naruto: (mentally) That might work! Let's do it, Kurama. We'll need to find someone who's knowledgeable about sealing in this world.

Kurama: (mentally) Agreed, Naruto. Keep your eyes peeled for any information or individuals who might be able to help us. We'll get back home, don't you worry.

Naruto stopped and landed on a sturdy tree branch, taking a moment to assess his current state. His body was drenched in a mixture of sweat, blood from the encounter with the pervert and giant frogs, and the peculiar scents of this unfamiliar world. He frowned as he took in the mess.

Naruto: (muttered) I really need a shower. But there's something about the chakra in this area... It feels natural, like I'm surrounded by pure energy.

Kurama: (mentally) That's nature energy, Naruto. It's like a secondary power source, but it needs to be harnessed carefully. It reminds me of when you tapped into your Scarlet Fox form back during the Nocturne event.

Naruto's expression darkened briefly as he recalled that event. He had been transported to California Jujutsu High, a place of chaos where a rogue jujutsu sorceress had unleashed demons and curses upon the academy. Many students and staff had lost their lives, and he had faced formidable foes, including one of the infamous Knights of Hell. The situation had escalated further with the appearance of vampires, werewolves, and even angels.

Naruto: (thoughtfully) I almost didn't make it out of that one. But there was someone there... someone important who saved me.

His mind drifted to the memory of seeing meteors falling from the skies, initially mistaken for a meteor shower. It had turned out to be angels descending to Earth. Sam and Dean, two individuals he had met during that time, had filled him in on the chaos. They mentioned an archangel named Metatron manipulating the angels, the death of another angel named Naomi, and the subsequent banishment of all angels from Heaven, causing them to fall to Earth.

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