Chapter 6

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Kushina and Minato rushed to aid Tsunade and Jiraiya, supporting them as they teleported to the hospital for immediate medical attention. The rest of the shinobi in the room were left in shock, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and concern as they witnessed the legendary Sannin in such a beaten state. The atmosphere grew heavy with a sense of unease and uncertainty.

Whispers began to circulate among the gathered individuals. Doubt crept into their minds, and questions arose about their own abilities and whether they were truly prepared to face someone as powerful as Naruto. Even Satsuki, who had always been confident in her skills, felt a surge of insecurity as her pride seemed to shatter in the wake of the news.

Shikamaru, known for his analytical thinking, voiced what many were likely thinking.

Shikamaru: (to himself) If even the Sannin were defeated, how are we supposed to handle this situation?

The room fell into a contemplative silence, the weight of the situation sinking in. The reality of Naruto's strength and the challenges they might face in bringing him back were becoming increasingly evident.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Tsunade and Jiraiya were quickly attended to by the medical staff. Tsunade's injuries were severe, requiring immediate surgery, while Jiraiya's burns and bruises were treated. The medical team was well aware of the urgency of the situation, and they worked diligently to stabilize the two Sannin.

Kushina and Minato stood outside the hospital room, their worry etched on their faces. They knew that their son's abilities had evolved beyond their expectations, and the encounter with Jiraiya and Tsunade only confirmed the magnitude of the challenge ahead.

Inside the hospital room, Shizune and the other medical personnel were diligently tending to Tsunade and Jiraiya's injuries. The room was filled with the soft hum of medical equipment and the focused voices of the medical team as they worked to heal the legendary Sannin. Shizune, known for her expertise and dedication, was coordinating the efforts with precision.

As the door opened, Minato and Kushina entered the room, their expressions a mix of concern and relief. They approached Tsunade's and Jiraiya's beds, their eyes locked onto their friends' still forms. The injuries on their bodies were a stark reminder of the immense power that Naruto possessed.

Minato: (softly) How are they, Shizune?

Shizune looked up from her work, acknowledging their presence with a nod.

Shizune: Tsunade-sama's injuries were severe, but we managed to stabilize her. She's currently undergoing surgery to address her internal injuries. As for Jiraiya-sama, his burns and bruises are being treated, and he should recover with time.

Kushina: Thank you, Shizune. We appreciate everything you and the medical team are doing.

Shizune: Of course, Kushina-sama. We'll do our best to ensure their recovery.

Minato and Kushina stood by the beds, their worry evident in their eyes. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on them. The fact that Naruto had not only defeated Tsunade and Jiraiya but also left them in such a state of injury was a stark reminder of his newfound power and the challenges they were facing.

Minato: (sighs) Kushina, we need to find a way to reach Naruto before he becomes a danger to himself and others.

Kushina nodded in agreement, her determination unwavering.

Kushina: I know, Minato-kun. We'll bring him back, no matter what it takes.

As they gazed at their injured friends, a sense of resolve ignited within them. They knew that they needed to not only bring Naruto back but also understand the changes he had undergone during his time in the other dimension. The journey ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but they were determined to face it head-on, for the sake of their son and the village they loved.

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