Chapter 10

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Kushina couldn't help but be surprised at Naruto's seemingly insatiable battle hunger. She had heard of the strong Uzumaki genes, known for always seeking the thrill of combat. She gave a wry smile, acknowledging that her son was quite the fighter.

Naruto turned to the two Akatsuki members with a challenging look in his eyes.

Naruto: (grinning) So, who's up for a fight?

Hidan, never one to back down from a fight, stepped forward with a scowl, angered by Naruto's earlier insults and eager to prove his devotion to Jashin.

Hidan: (furious) I'll teach you some respect, kid!

Naruto simply gave a deadpan expression and shrugged.

Naruto: (casually) Alright.

Kushina, on the other hand, turned to Kakazu, the man who had apparently tried to kill someone named Hashirama. Not knowing who Hashirama was, she agreed to the fight, her competitive spirit ignited. Naruto couldn't resist teasing his mother about her age, to which she responded with a playful glare.

Naruto: (teasing) Don't break a hip out there, Mom.

Kushina: (playful glare) Don't get too cocky, mister. I may be older, but I can still kick your ass.

The battlefield was set, and both mother and son were ready to face off against the Akatsuki members. It was a battle that held a mix of tension and excitement, all while Kushina secretly wondered who this Hashirama was.

As Hidan continued to ramble on about sacrificing Naruto in the name of Jashin, Naruto seemed to be completely ignoring him. His thoughts had drifted elsewhere, primarily towards Fu. He remembered her from their passionate encounter by the lake, thinking she was hot and cute, but his thoughts now turned to a deeper concern.

He couldn't help but reflect on her situation, recalling that she hadn't mentioned a last name. Realization dawned on him: she was likely an orphan, the village's living weapon, and treated as if she were expendable.

The idea of someone being discarded like that didn't sit well with Naruto. He firmly believed that every person deserved love and care, no matter their circumstances. While Hidan yelled out for his attention, Naruto finally snapped back to the present.

Hidan: (shouting) Are you even listening, you little brat?

Naruto: (casual) Huh? Did you say something?

Somewhere with the rest of the group, Minato and Kakashi had stopped for a moment. Kakashi felt a sense of pride

In an instant, Naruto had vanished, leaving Hidan in a state of fury. But before Hidan could even finish his next words, Naruto reappeared beside him with blinding speed. With a swift, powerful elbow strike from the side, he hit Hidan with devastating force, cracking the man's neck and sending him hurtling like a ragdoll into a nearby tree.

The impact was brutal, and the force of the blow had broken numerous bones in Hidan's body. As the dust settled, Naruto stood over the defeated Akatsuki member, his gaze locked on the fallen foe. Hidan lay motionless, a defeated and broken man.

Naruto: Was it really that easy?

Kushina and Kakazu locked eyes in a tense standoff. Kakazu, ever the pragmatic and knowledgeable one, began listing her impressive credentials

Kakazu: (taunting) Ah, the illustrious Red Death, a kage-level kunoichi, the Fourth Hokage's wife, and the former host of the Nine-Tails. Quite the impressive résumé you have there.

Kushina couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as he listed her accomplishments. She twirled her Uzumaki sword, silently acknowledging the weight of her legacy.

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