Chapter 11

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Kushina: (horror) NARUTO!!!!!

Naruto was on the ground with blood leaking out, his eyes was lifeless. Tears streaming down his down her face and run to her son, slide in her knees next to him to check his pulse. There was nothing, no pulse. Kushina started to shake her son.

Kushina: Please Naru-Chan, wake up, please wake up!

He wasn't responding, Kushina begin to sob. Hidan begin to laugh maniacally and shouting.

Hidan: HAHAHA!!! I perfect sacrifice for Jashin!

Kakazu: Shut up we need to get body and extract the Kyuubi.

Kushina heard that her eyes was filled with with grief and furry. She dashed toward Kakazu in high speed and punch him. He quickly blocks it with his hard skin wrist and send him skidding.

Kushina's grief transformed into a fierce rage as she lashed out at Kakazu, her fist colliding with his hardened skin. Despite the power of her blow, Kakazu stood his ground, smirking under his mask.

Kakazu: (chuckling) Strong emotions won't change anything. Your son is dead, and soon the Kyuubi will be ours.

Enraged, Kushina unleashed a barrage of swift and precise strikes, aiming to break through Kakazu's defenses. However, Kakazu skillfully blocked and dodged her attacks, showcasing his experience in battle.

Kushina: (furiously) You won't take my son! I'll make you pay for what you've done!

In the midst of their intense clash, Kakazu activated his Earth Spear jutsu, hardening his skin even further. Kushina adapted quickly, using water-style jutsu to create a water dragon that surged toward Kakazu. He deftly detached his arm, shooting it like a spear into the water dragon, dispersing it.

Kakazu: (mocking) Is that all, Red Death?

Undeterred, Kushina changed her tactics. She summoned shadow clones, creating a diversion while she maneuvered into position. Two clones rushed in from the sides, distracting Kakazu as the original descended from above with her Uzumaki sword, aiming for a decisive strike.

Meanwhile, Naruto's lifeless body lay on the ground, his mother's desperate pleas echoing in the air. Hidan, still reveling in his ritual, continued to laugh maniacally.

Hidan: (laughter) Jashin, I offer you the ultimate sacrifice!

Kushina, fueled by a mix of grief and determination, swung her Uzumaki sword with all her might. Kakazu, realizing the imminent threat, attempted to counter with his Earth Spear jutsu.

As Kushina and Kakazu continued their fierce battle, Hidan, drawn by the commotion, decided to join the fray. His eyes gleamed with excitement as he brandished his scythe, ready to spill more blood in the name of his god.

Kushina, recognizing the need to increase her pace, felt the weight of the fight intensify. The grief over Naruto's apparent demise fueled her determination, and she knew she had to concentrate to stand a chance against both formidable opponents.

Hidan lunged forward, aiming to catch Kushina off guard with his scythe. However, she swiftly dodged his attacks, her movements calculated and precise. The grief that had initially clouded her mind began to transform into a source of strength, driving her to fight with unmatched ferocity.

Kushina: (determined) You won't lay a finger on my son's body!

She countered Hidan's strikes, parrying his scythe with her Uzumaki sword. The clash of metal echoed through the forest as they engaged in a deadly dance. Kakazu, seeing an opportunity, seized the moment to launch a powerful jutsu.

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