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Herbert Estrand {28th day of first moon , 754Q}

"Get those people out of the way" ordered Herbert.

"Yes sir" replied a group of soldiers who were standing in front of him.

'I am getting fed up with this Bandit business; it's the third time this month that they have tried to pilfer the imports from the Isles of Ing, if it weren't for the kings direct order, I would never have been here in Ottingel' , thought Herbert

"Make sure that all the packages are well packed, and I want two soldiers standing Guard for each carriage, hurry up, I don't want to waste another minute here, we have to get back to the capital within a week", said Herbert to his second in command, Rob.

"Yes, sir" replied Rob, off he went to instruct his fellow soldiers who were already supervising over the transport and loading up of the packages into the carriage.

Herbert was standing on one of the ships, he can see his men working and helping the villagers to load the huge packages sent by the Lord of Ing. The empire had a good trade relation with the only two island nations that has been made known, The Ing's and the Oy's. Both the Islands were ruled by different kings, and the dye that is made from the liligo plant, one that can be only found in the Isles, had a great demand in the kingdom , especially among the nobles. The dried plants are sent to the empire were they got processed and then the cotton clothes get dyed into a beautiful shade of purple, which is then marketed all around the kingdom of Spacia.

'The Oy's and The Ing's must be making a lot of profit from these exports' thought Herbert.

Gazing at the port town in front of him, he remembered the days when he used to work in a ship dockyard, at Kinoy, he remembered those harsh days, he had gone through as a child, how he had no proper food, nor clothing, and how he had to endure all those hardships there so that he could at least get food, to fill his stomach.

Thinking of those days when he was just a nine year old brought him the memory of professor Estrand, if it weren't for the Professors kindness and good nature he would never have reached what he is now. He still remembers the day when the Professor took him in, how despite being a complete stranger, he adopted him as his own son. 

All those pain of being an Orphan and not knowing who his father or mother was, and the hunger for having a family all flooded down to him, he stood there in front of Mr. Estrand and cried like a child, the hurt, the loneliness, and the pain, all came to him at that specific moment when the professor told him that he was going to adopt him.

But still, the only times he could see his 'father' was when he came back home from his expeditions, he being one of the empires best historian, was always on an expedition around the land of Spacia in search for mysteries, myths, unknown and forgotten histories. Maybe he will go out exploring for about a week maybe even months, and he still remembers the time when Mr. Estrand went on an expedition and came back after a year.

But when Mr. Estrand told him that he was on a very special expedition this time as he was going to the Blurnt village, to see the cursed land, the cursed people, and the Brimoires lake, one of the most feared and dangerous water body of the empire, he never thought that it would be the last time he would get to see his only family.

It's now seven years, after he had lost his 'father' at the Brimoires Lake. No one knew what happened to the boat that went to the center of the lake along with Mr. Estrand and other few adventurers; it was as if the lake had swallowed them. Ever since that day, Herbert always felt a sense of loneliness, he imagined himself to be a lone wolf wandering around with no one, he had his friends but he lost his only family, he became an orphan for the second time.

Now despite being the Lord of Estrand estates and the kings most trusted general, 27 year old Herbert always felt a sense of loneliness, behind his strict and harsh face, there was a hidden child who longed for love, care and family.

Herbert took a final glance at the port town of Ottingel and began to climb down the stairs, he did a final check of the carriages, made sure that everything was as he had ordered and climbed on his horse. He then headed towards the Inn, where he and his soldiers were residing for the time being. 

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