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Jane woodruff  {30th day of first moon, 754Q}

"Gienne, can you walk fast, we have to reach Mrs. Kennel's shop fast, or else all of her cakes will be sold out", said Jane.

"Is it someone's Birthday?" asked Gienne who was walking behind Jane.


"Then why are we getting Cakes?"

"My mother is a crazy fan of Mrs. Kennels cake, she buys it at least three times a week", said Jane.

"Is it that tasty?"

"No, I hate cakes, I have only tasted it once, still can't understand why people go crazy over her cakes"

"But it's only morning, there is no way the cakes would be sold out", said Gienne

"Well, you will see when we reach there, by the time we are there; I say there will only be a few cakes left"

"Isn't Mrs. Kennel the owner of Kalbothy's Inn?"

"Yes, how did you know that?"

" we stayed there for the night, before coming to your school"

"Do you know what it was Mrs. Higgins got from the headmistress?", asked Jane.

"No, I did try to ask her, but she was not interested in telling me what it was, it was for Mrs. Cavendish"

"Oh, the lady of Cavendish estates, it's where you work, right?"


"Have you really lost your memory?"

"Yes, I can't remember anything, everything here is new to me, and it's as if I am in a strange land"

"You know what's weirder, your Behavior is completely different from the old Gienne, it's as if you have been possessed by someone else, Gienne was more like a goofy person, every time getting into trouble, kind, helping, and she was really unpredictable, but I would never tell that she was intelligent"

"What about now?", asked Gienne.

"You give off a strange vibe, you look and observe, talks less, and is curious about everything, it's as if you are both afraid and excited at the same time"


"I am sure everything will be fine, when you get back your memory"

"I hope that too"

"By any chance do you remember something named Prev potion?"

"What's a prev potion?"

"Nothing, it's a time Potion, something that helps you go back in time, a small potion bottle of it is worth around#200 gold coins"

"We can go back in time?" asked an amazed Gienne

"Yes, and you stole one of it from Madam Liera"


"Don't look so surprised, you did, and Madam Liera is not happy about losing her precious potion"


"Don't deny it Gienne you did steal it, before you lost your memory, so if this is an act that you are putting up to hide your theft, stop it and tell me what you have done with it"

"No I am not putting up an act", said Gienne

"Well whatever, if Madam Liera finds out that you are the one who stole it, you will be in great trouble, you will get jinxed, no maybe even cursed"

"No, I don't want to get cursed", said Gienne terrified.

"I am sorry Gienne, but can't help you in this matter; after all stealing is not a good habit, why would you even take it in the first place"

"How can I know that?"

"Oh right , you don't remember do you? Said Sara mockingly, "oh we are here, come on we have to get the strawberry flavored cake, that's my mother's favorite, come fast"

"Wait don't run, I am coming", said Gienne who was now half running to catch up with Jane.

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