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Ayeeee having crushes is okay but don't be too obsessed with it lol. This one don't really have much character reveals- just Khay having it rough to deal with the ghosted Ian hahahaha. I had fun writing this, I hope I can get more readers soon Aameen :)

Off we go!!


"This feeling is a nuisance,
the feeling that wanted to swallow your heart at its whole,
tugging at your chest as if it was wrapped with a rope."


The sky has lowered its dark curtain and Ian can barely trace a hue of orange fingers stretching in the horizon- the sunset view is the best when he fumbles with the keys on his beg keychain. He holds his breath until he finds the key that's fitting for the lock on his house door, only to gasp out when the door clicks to reveal someone inside, looking at him with precise.

"Welcome back, brother." A flat voice greets him, the owner secures a straight face.

Ian blinks with his keys in midair, his face slowly lightens up, a sheepish smile breaks free.

" 'Sup, Kyle." He greets back, placing a pat on his younger brother's shoulder.

Kyle steps aside to let Ian in, closing the door as soon as the dark intends to lurk in.

"Ma's back yet?" Ian asks while looking around anxiously.

"About an hour ago," Kyle answers after signalling Ian to pass him the keys, and he tosses it inside a glass bowl ontop of a cabinet.

"Sheesh. I'm dead meat," dragging a hand through his sloppy bangs, Ian stops to sigh. "And beat as hell."

"Arcade again?" Kyle asks.


"You hungry?" Kyle asks, his feet flinch to reach the kitchen.

"Nah, I just ate."

"Want something to drink?" Kyle asks.

"... Nah, I'm good." Ian narrows his eyes for the multiple questions, but it's surprisingly a daily occurrence, especially when he got home late.

"You should hit the shower before Miwa tells you off," Kyle ignores the look on his brother's face and pushes Ian to the stairs. "I'll explain to her why you're home late."

Ian holds a hand in front of Kyle's face, "Woah, woah, chill, bro. Who are you, my maid? I can handle myself just fine, stop making me look like a troubled child."

"Miwa's gonna get angry at you again, and she can't start nagging." Kyle deadpans, pushing Ian's hand down.

"So what? Ma's gonna nag at me, not you." Ian rolls his eyes. "And for the love of God, haven't I told you about addressing Miwa with Ma, already?"

Silence ensues between them, tension biting at their spines and glazed stares are exchanged. Kyle glues his stoic expression and Ian knows how much sensitive this topic is. Still, Ian waits for a reply but Kyle seems to shoot his guard up and a small, small line appears between his brows.

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