Word 7

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A|N >>
Now I'm taking sides, hewlp!


"I remember that one particular time,
Where everything shatters before my eyes,
And all that I can do is look down,
Taking in the view, the smell, the numb pain,
Which I can't really recall until this day."


"I don't wanna." He bluntly said.

For one second, Khay thought she would feel beyond frustrated at Ian's confusing nature whereby he purposely rejects everything she wanted. But after that, one comforting beat of her heart, softening the expression she was wearing.

What is this? Relief? Or she just so frustrated she doesn't want to argue with this man anymore?

"You're unbelievable," Khay mutters, pulling her gaze away from him.

"Congrats, you just learn that in a good way." Ian laughs, a sincere laugh that Khay wouldn't mind savouring her ears with.

"But then again, lemme get another thing straight." He says. Before she could respond, he's already going around the kitchen island, his broad back facing her.

"It's up to me to take care of my good name, and if it was tainted because of my own mistake, I'll be happy to clean it back myself. I don't really get it when you said that if word came out about us knowing each other will put dirt on me. In the first place, I think it was me for you to blame, I'm the one who approached you first, and somehow when I did that things happen." He explains carefully.

Maybe, just maybe, it's Khay's turn to feel that she was acting selfish and inconsiderate of Ian's feelings. It stabs her, and it pains her just by thinking that such simple request would lead to this.

Ian lowers his head, peering at her curiously from under his messy bangs. When Khay catches him doing that he brings up a hand, rubbing at his check and his discomfort is again, so plainly obvious.

"What I- what I just really want to say is, whatever happens to my so-called good name, don't blame yourself for it. It sounds so unfair though," he almost pouts, almost. "You make me look like a bad guy here."

That made her jump, Khay extends her hand across the kitchen island as if attempting to reach for Ian's sleeve, not wanting him to leave. "You're not a bad guy, you're the most nicest I've ever met!" She blurts out, and ya Rabb does she ever learn not to.

"Wha-!" Ian jerks back, his whole face flashes red, heat crawling up to his neck.

Khay gawks at him, confused, "What's wrong?"

"You... you can't just say that to my face like it's nothing!" Ian stammers, and it's Khay's first time seeing him red faced all embarrassed like that. Pretty amusing, she might say.

Khay takes time to fix herself, "Uh... um, sorry, but I do mean what I just said-"

"I get it, I get it. Seriously you're killing me here," Ian cuts her short, covering half of his face with a palm. "If you have nothing else to say then I guess... you can go home, thank you for the apples again."

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