Word 11

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A / N :
A new character comes in!! Lift the curtainssss!!!


"Fluttering leaves, flowing water,
chattering of kids, yapping of others,
I meet you on that day my world blurs all over,
but you shine in the middle
calling me out in genuine pleasure."


"You freak!"

A pair of oval glasses fall onto the grass, the girl wearing it was knocked off her feet and lands on her back, whimpering in pain. She blinks only to see the cloudy faces of her bullies, either smirking or frowning at her dirty state, her eyes start watering.

She sits up to pull her skirt down enough to cover her exposed white thighs, she secretly regrets not wearing her black leggings today.

"Hey, you."

A hand reaches down to pull at her uniform, yanking her up again. Her nametag went crooked from the force, she tilts her face to the side with her eyes firmly closed- scared, ready for any impact to come.

"I thought you understand that this is our spot. You can't be here, not on my watch." The voice shook her senses high and she trembles under the thought of getting punched by her own senior. A female at that.

Stuttering her words, she dares not to look at them in the eye. "I- I just wanted to look for butterflies, I'd- like to d- draw them for my arts!"

"Look at her stuttering."
"Ew... her skirt's all dusted~!"

"Your voice's too slow, I can't hear you, loser!" Her bully is bigger and a few more students ganged up to support the senior. "Just get your little butt out of here!"

At this point, she could only wish someone would save her- maybe a prince charming in their school uniform would jump in and yell at her bullies, saying lines like 'disturb her again and I won't let you leave this place in peace'. Her heart skips a beat at that thought, really, at the time like this.

"Hey, are you even listening!?" The hand holding her wrist gets tighter than before, she winces and tries to break free.

"Ain't she a cutie? Pretty doll even, that's pure Japanese for you." A male voice intervenes, must be one of the senior's friends.

"Aye, gotcha. Jane, let us play with her a little bit." Another joins in, a smirk can be heard just from the tone he was giving.

"She has snow white skin, wonder how it feels like heh..." That comment makes her shiver, scared and by instinct, she grabs onto her own skirt, pulling the fabric as low as it can reach.

"Ye damn pervs, she's our frickin' junior." A female firmly scolds them.

The senior only tugs the poor girl closer, almost making it hard for her to breathe. This time her face is only inches away from her bully.

In the stories it said that the breath of evil ones stink like every single dirty things in the world, should the poor girl prove that right?

"Well? Do you want to play with them?" The 'evil one' senior threatens.

Okay, forget it, she can't even take a normal breather at this rate. She squirms frantically with a look of horror in her eyes, "Don't- I don't want to!"

The wind blows a little harder past the tree branches and it covers the sound of approaching footsteps towards them. The seniors turns and some choke a breath, a few of them draw retreating steps. The one clutching at the poor girl's uniform pales at the sight of the new person walking in their direction.

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